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C h a p t e r   T w e n t y - F i v e↞

Move in silence, never let them know your next move.

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"You can come in, now." I voice out, loud enough for him to hear, but low not to wake her.

There was a moment of silence before I heard the shuffling of his feet against the carpet as he made his way through the threshold, his mate following closely behind. His eyes immediately zeroed in on the sleeping girl in my arms.

"She looks so different," Mason immediately mutters, moving around the sofa, never straying his eyes from his sister.

"That is what happens to a seven-year-old after ten years." I point out with a raised brow.

He glowered at me for a bit, before Susan moved around his body and peered curiously at Abigail as she rested easily in my arms, eyes closed peacefully.

"Is that her?" she asked softly.

Mason nodded, gripping her hand a bit tighter, "Yes. That's my little sister," he answered, an edge to his voice along with affection.

I could already see the emotions swirling through his eyes that held such familiarity to Abigail's, and the thoughts that were beginning to form in his head.

"She's beautiful," Susan stated, the smallest of smiles on her lips.

'That she is.' I agreed mentally, gripping her body tighter to me. The action caused her to shift a bit, pressing her face more against my collarbone, the warm air puffing from her parted lips brushing against the exposed skin.

I shivered, resting my cheek on the top of her head, as Mason watched all this through narrowed eyes.

"So it is true," he grumbled.

I smirked, "Apparently so," I paused for effect. "Brother-in-law."

His brown eyes darken, as they narrowed a little me, he glared at me for a little while longer before signing and grumbling under his breath all while he moved to the seat beside me; Susan closely behind.

He settled himself comfortably in the sofa seat before he pulled Susan into his lap, where she happily sat and snuggled against him; her head resting on his broad shoulder. We then sat in a comfortable silence, the fire flickering from side to side, burning with the crackling of the wood heard.

From the corner of my eye, Mason's eyes were a deadlock on Abigail's form, analyzing every detail of her being with great intensity and non-blinking. It was as if he was afraid if he so much as batted an eye, she'll disappear.

I shifted in my seat, rubbing my palm up and down my mate's back. "What's keeping you from seeing her?" I couldn't help but ask.

His jaw clenched, shifting to the side a fraction. "I'm not ready." was his response.

My eyebrows shot up, "You? What about her? You've been gone from her life for—"

"—I know how damn long I was gone," he growled slightly, eyes hardening. "I'm just not ready for the look of hurt and betrayal on her face when I show up at her doorstep."

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