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C h a p t e r   T w e n t y - S i x↞

Don't consider my kindness as my weakness. The beast in me is sleeping, not dead.

♦ ° ♦ ° ♦


"Abigail be careful!"

A giggle escapes my small body, as I jump down from the porch into the grass below, my legs buck under me from the force of my jump and I fall to my hands and knees. Dirt and blades of grass scrapping against my hands and sticking to my knees, painting them a slight green.


A laugh bubbles in my throat when hands grip my upper forearms and pull me to my them, I look up and into warm brown eyes of my big brother that glances at me in worry.

"You okay?" he asks me, brushing the dirt off my hands and then bending down to pluck off the grass from my knees.

I grin broadly,"Yes! That was fun. Can I do it again?" I say, jumping up and down.

A slow smile spreads across his face,"No. You're going to hurt yourself for real."

"But it was funn."

Mason laughs, standing from his kneeling position, a breeze flitters across us blowing his brown hair over his forehead; the clouds float along the across giving the sun an opportunity to shine down on us, it heightens the color in big brother's hair and bounces off the flowers mommy had planted earlier in the week.

"Mason, sweetie!" I hear Mom call from the house, "Come here for a moment, please."

Mason's eyes lift up from my form and back behind me which lead to the house and suddenly his smile falls from his face and he gives me a quick glance before moving around me. My neck cranes up a little more to get a better look at his face.

"Stay right here, okay?" he says to me, with a look I only see on Daddy's face.

I nod and watch as he walks up the porch steps and to the screen door where Mommy was standing. They speak real low, so I couldn't hear them, he then pulls the door back and walks into the house stopping to talk to Mommy again and walks in deeper. Shrugging, I turn away and bend down playing in the dirt. Another breeze picks up and blows my dress to the side, and that's when a pretty butterfly flutters on the grass by my hand.

I gasp softly, momentarily mesmerized by the deep blue of its wings.

"Pretty. ." I whisper, reaching out to touch it, but it flies away and towards the big trees.

I hop up, "Wait!" I yell, running to catch up towards it, it flutters an uneven path flying above the line Mason told me to never cross. I didn't care though, I wanted the pretty butterfly and it was getting away from me.

My little feet carry through the thick trees, as I subconsciously follow it deeper into the forest, I laugh when the butterfly flutters low to the ground and then jerks up higher.

"Wait for me!"

I step over tree branches, my pretty white shoes growing darker in color with dirt sticking with it. All of sudden, it gets dark and a booming sound overpasses above causing me to stop. I stare up and see dark grey clouds covering the sky, the sun disappearing, the woods start to darken and I began to shiver in fear. I look back down looking for the butterfly to give me a small sense of comfort, I cried out when I didn't see it. The woods were growing darker and scarier, small creatures coming out to play.

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