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C h a p t e r  T e n

Our truest life is when we are in dreams. Awake.

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"Little bumblebee!"

A small giggle escapes my lips as I peek around from my hiding spot. I saw his tall form, slowly stalking around while his brown eyes scan the area. That's when he suddenly whips around and catches my eye. I immediately back away from his line of sight.

Peeking out from my hiding spot, I could see a mischievous grin making its way to his lips as he completely turns in my direction.

"Oh, where, oh where, has my little sister gone?" he speaks, in a slow taunting tone.

I raise both of my hands, covering my mouth to keep the giggles in.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" he sings, his steps slowing down and nearing to where I was, it was then I heard nothing that I peeked from behind the tree.

The second I did, my eyes connect with those familiar brown eyes that glinted in the sunlight.

"Got'cha!" he laughs, his hands shooting out towards me.

A scream tears from my lips, and my seven-year-old body dashes underneath his arms and around to where I start running to my safe haven; the bushes that lined against the back of our house.

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