side story - Samantha

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I begged my parents to send me away, not for long but for a couple of days, I told them it was to take a glance at the college that I wanted to attend, and with a little bit of hesitation; they let me go. Now, I stand in front of Seattle Central college with shaky legs and sweaty palms, the building intimidating me as every smell and object became unfamiliar to me. My thoughts seemed to run a mill within my head; bringing doubt that I might not be able to do as I dreamed.

"Excuse me, are you all right?"

I turn around, startled by the sudden deep voice that vibrates from behind me, my gaze collides with deep brown eyes. The guy frowns in my direction, bushy brows creased, and I wasn't for sure if he was looking at me or just in my general direction; when he angled his head a little further in my direction, I knew he was talking to me.

Flicking my gaze from him to the building, I gulp. "Ah, no— I mean, yes, I-I'm all right."

The sound of his footsteps behind me alerted that he was inching closer, from the corner of my eye his form positioned beside me; his head tilted up as he stared at the college building.

"First day?"

I watch him from the corner of my eye, my gaze sliding down the features of his face, taking in his jawline, the curve of his cheeks, his darker skin tone and lashes that curled and brushed against his cheekbones with each blink. His gaze finds mine.

Quickly facing away, I stuff my hands in my pockets. "No, I'm actually just visiting. I should be starting here soon, though," I tell him.

He hums, "Nice, it'll be good to have a few more of our kind around here."

My heart freezes as I inhale deeply, finally catching onto his scent as I face him once more, from the smile of his face, he knew I hadn't caught it beforehand. My mouth opened and closed, no words formed on my lips or in my head and I could see that he knew what was I was thinking and chuckled.

"Don't work your brain too hard," he states, shifting his body to face me, "if you allow me, I would be honored to take you someplace nearby to talk a little more— without the company of my shovel and rope, of course."

The twinkle in his eyes shows his amusement and his calm exterior welcomes me further into those brown eyes. A flash of a person replaces where he stands, with the same eyes but darker as they look deeply into my soul— it was there and then it was gone. Blinking, I present him a smile, turning my body toward him until we faced across from one another.


His smile grows wider, "Great," then he sticks his hand out. "My name's Casper Reed, it's nice to meet you."

Glancing at his hand, I meet him halfway, his hand clasping around mine in a handshake; engulfing it completely.

"Samantha Jones."

~ • ~

"I think I heard about it."

Casper found a nice little homey feel of a café that wasn't too far from the campus, nothing but walking distance from where we once were. He paid for the small croissant and tea that I have gotten myself, moving to a table that sits by the window.

"Moonbrooke you say?" he questions, looking out the window.

I nod, dragging my finger around the rim of the teacup, my gaze lost in the swirl of the darkened liquid.

"I'm positive. There wasn't a day that went by your pack's name was brought up in conversations around where I was," he says, his gaze moving back toward me.

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