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C h a p t e r   T h i r t y - T h r e e

Dance with me, bring my demons to their knees.

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"Abigail Danielle Simpson!" Mom shrieked.

I gritted my teeth, desperately trying to keep down the flurry of emotions that increased and poured along my senses, drowning me. I watched as the guy before me, who claimed to be my brother, regained his balance still holding his nose.

"You bastard!" I yelled, face tinged red.


I ignored them all. Mason squinted at me, widening his eyes as he pulled his hand away from his nose, and a small spark of satisfaction lit inside me when a drop of blood slid out, he wiped it away with the top of his hand and stared down at it.

He then drifted his gaze to look down at me, "That was not what I expected." his voice was deep and husky, different from the small gentle one I was used to when we were younger.

I glare harshly in his direction before whipping around to look back at Mom and Dad, Mom was glaring back at me, her hand cupping under her bulging belly while Dad projects a emotionless mask. I pointed a trembling finger at Mason.

"Tell me this is some sick joke," I say, clenching the other hand at my side to remind myself that this is all real, "Someone tell me that after seven years, that my brother isn't standing in front of me?"

I watch as mom's disappointed expression begins to fade into a pained one, her eyes were wet from crying and red from rubbing away the tears, Dad's face stayed the same, not a single twitch gave off what was going on inside his head. They all stayed tight-lipped, not making a move to speak.

"TELL ME!" I scream, voice cracking, betraying the façade I put up, and almost released the real emotions I felt.

My breathing sped up, and it felt like my chest was tightening with every inhale, I felt choked up and so close from a panic attack, it was slowly building up to its peak and it was trickling along the insides of my chest. It was filling in every crack that has been placed there, it was like water running over smooth-faced rocks; never having a particular direction to go. Two more emotions were swelling up inside me, one made my palms sweat and my legs quake with thoughts bustling through my head, while the other made my heart beat a stronger uneven pattern on my ribcage: these emotions were anxiety and fear. Anxious for the turn of events and fear of the unknown.

I guess they all could see it coming because Dad takes a step toward me and his eyes flickers behind me at the same moment I felt a hand grasp my elbow, I jerked away roughly and stumbled back from Mason who wore a torn look. He held his hands out to me.

"Look, look," he started, "I know you're furious, but I need you to calm down, so we can talk, and I can explain things. Everything was for your safety, Abby."

My nose flared at his words, chest heaving like I've run a mile, "No!" I shook my head, "Y-you don't get to call me that, you lost the privilege."

"And don't spout that bullshit to me," I added quietly, "Because Dad already tried that, and I'm done."

Silence followed my words, the air thick with tension, and everyone stood with their shoulders bunched and backs tight in case of anything. Mason took in a deep breath before releasing it.

"Okay, I'll tell you, but can you try and relax, please?" he asks, a pleading look in his eyes, and he gestures towards the seat for me to sit.

I stare him down for a few seconds longer, then move around his body to the sofa where I fall tensely into the cushion, Xavier wasn't too far behind into following me. The slight heat radiating from him made the muscles within me loosen up but not all the way. When Mason, Mom, and Dad sat down across from us on the three-seated couch, he started speaking.

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