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C h a p t e r  T w e l e v e

Life is short, smile while you still have teeth.

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The minute the doors to the gym closed, silence filled the area. I slowly turn around to find every eye on me again, making me feel nervous and self-conscious. They stared in curiosity, some in wonder. I avert my gaze from them and stand awkwardly by the doors.

"Miss Simpson," a hard voice speaks out, breaking the silence. "Can you explain to me why you're late?"

My head snaps up and my eyes connect with cold green ones that seem to stare deeper than my soul. I stand straighter, closing my fingers tighter around the strap.

"I, uh, I had a little accident which prevented from moving faster," I answer, holding out my injured ankle.

His eyes downcast to observe me thoroughly, I can't help but do the same. His stance was tense and he stood tall about about six foot five or four, his figure was strong and muscular, his eyes narrowed, facial expression was blank. His brown hair pulled back in a low ponytail. It was then that he grunted, I snap my attention back to his eyes.

"I see." he finally says, "Since you won't be able to participate in today's activities, go sit on the bleachers." he nods over to the light brown bleachers that were off to the far right against the wall.

I nod, biting my bottom lip, and began to limp in the direction he pointed. A shiver runs down my spine and I glance over to see none other than Xavier gazing at me intensely, I feel my cheeks burn and beside him I see Samantha; she waves and I raise my hand in greeting.

I make it to the bleachers, and slowly and carefully sit down, placing my book bag on the floor beside my leg.

"Alright class, listen up!" the coach finally spoke, his voice booming, "Today we're going play a little game," he says, walking over to a set of balls that laid beside a black bag.

He tosses the ball in the air, before catching it in his palm.

"I'm aware everyone is familiar with dodgeball?" he smirks, the action completely changing his face.

Hoots and hollers erupted within the gym, echoing around and smiles were painted on the faces of students.

He chuckles, "Good. It'll be boys against girls, boys go to one side of the court and girls to the other." he instructs.

Everyone immediately do as they're told, separating, creating a wide-open space between them. Once settled, coach strides toward the middle, five balls underneath his arms, he sets them down along the white line and moves back to the sidelines.

"I would say make it a fair game but. ." he pauses, "Go all out." then he blows his whistles.

In a blur everyone moves towards the middle, sneakers scraping against the polished wooden floor, a girl with brown skin tone makes it to one ball before bouncing back at a safe distance before reeling her arm back then shooting it forward releasing the ball.

I gape as the ball hurdles with inhuman speed toward one of the boys and strikes him right between the legs. I jump, startled, when he lets out a high scream and falls to his knees gripping himself.

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