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C h a p t e r F i ve

I grew up to the smell of the lake and the feeling of the woods.

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The wind howled, creating a song with the leaves that were slowly falling to the ground below; swirling them as they danced amongst each other, a rustle echoing upon the crowd below. Car sides when the pavements edge, students piling from cars and making their way up the school's path, a chatter resonating through the air as they mingled along with the friend groups, starting the day. From around the corner of the school, more students appearing from the shared parking, further filling the counter yard.

Leaning against the railing of the property's entrance, I heave a sigh, the wind tickling the strand of hair along my forehead. Flicking my head to rid of the sensation, my ears perk at the sound of thumping footfalls against the pavement as they grow near me.

"Yo! Xavier."

I turn, spotting Justin's frame weaving around others that stood against the school's building, heading toward me with a grin on his face. Within reach, I push my body from off the railing of the stairs as he greets me casually, his hand colliding against mine as he pulled me into a side hug, his hand patting my back before he pulls away— our fingers snapping.

"What's up, man? How've you been?"

I shrug, assuming my previous position, crossing my arms over my chest and my gaze finds the counter yard once more. "I've been good. My father worked my äss this summer," I tell him, shifting my arm to cup my nape.

He laughed, adjusting his bookbag and standing in the second step. "I can actually picture that."

Every-so-often students piled into the school entrance, some of their gazes catching mine before bowing their necks at the sight of me: continuing their way into school. I advert my eyes to my wristwatch, thirty minutes until homeroom started.

"You heard the news?" Justin suddenly asks, gathering my attention to him. "The male rogue and his family, I mean," he adds when my expression shifts.

I grunt, adjusting my weight on the steps. "My father informed me briefly that he arranged a meeting to speak with them, to dictate they're purposes," I stated.

He nods his head, allowing his hair to over his forehead. In one motion, he flips the strands from his vision, his eyes watching as a group of girls walk by; swaying their hips suggestively as they giggle and wave in his direction. His lingering gaze seemed to be all they needed to close the distance between them, one even dares to step closer to in their venture by us. The she-wolf holds eye contact with him until they were out of view.

I shake my head at their tactics. Justin looking completely won over, his head stays in the direction they disappeared to.

My hand swings and makes contact with his chest, the noise resonating loudly as he produces a loud 'oof!'. Wheezing, he gives me a look, frowning at me.

"I was just looking!"

"I'm sure Stella would think the same thing," I let sarcasm pour over each letter.

He wets his lips nervously, a look of fear crossing his features before he hangs his head. Lifting my eyes heavenward, we settle in the short moment of silence before he speaks again.

"You think the humans know about. . us?" he inquires, a thoughtful look.

I gaze ahead, now locking my gaze with the forest within reach of the school grounds. They swayed to the chill breeze, hundreds of the littered along the edge of the road, stretching as far as the eye can see. My skin itches with the presence of my wolf, yearning to be released to run wild for as long as he pleases, almost as if he wished to search for something.

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