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C h a p t e r  T h i r t y - N i n e

Don't forget who you are.

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Daylight streamed through the bars of a window located high above the room, the heat from the sun rose the temperature in the small area creating a humid atmosphere and particles to circulate in the air.

I slam my feet against the wall behind me, finding a way to twist the collar around somewhat comfortably and began to pull and tug on the chain that was was connected to one brick block at the base, the silver burned my skin; sharp pain running through my hands and into my system, driving it wild. I press my lips together to keep in the groans of pain that wanted to slip out and blanket the air with its sounds.

My muscles continued to strain and my breathing picked up, sweat beaded at the base of my neck, hands and underarms, my hands slipped and slide along the chain. With a pained cry; I let go, I slump back against the wall, adjusting the collar around my neck as I shift my gaze down to my hands, the skin was burned and blistered, giving off a bright red hue and right before my eyes I watched the burns heal; manifesting from light pink back to pale beige.

"Baby, there's no use." I hear Mom say from across the room, I look up and see her staring at me with sullen eyes, her chest rising and falling at a fast pace.

"No, I have to keep trying." I say, clenching my hands into fist, snapping my attention to look back her. "I have to get back to Xavier, I know he's worried about me and. . and. . ."

I sink my teeth into my lower lip, the beast in the back of my mind, whimpering just at the sound of his name, it echoes through my head; dampening my mood, my eyes burning with oncoming tears. The whimpering grows louder until it was almost overpowering the outer sounds around me.

"I miss him. ."

"I know," her whispers drifts into the air, "It's going to be okay." she reassures, but I know for who, me or herself.

I watch as her hand cradles her underbelly, legs spread apart making her stomach look huge in its position, suddenly a foul smell of blood, dirt, and bad breath drift into my nostrils with the sound of keys as they clink against one another down the hall. Mom's form tenses at the sound but keeps her gaze ahead, hugging herself tighter, the stench and sound of footfalls grow closer and my eyes flicker to the ground where a shadow forms; the person was clearly male and his build was large, the muscles seen on his shadow was seen and increased in size.

I lift my gaze up to see the man now standing at the cell gate, dull eyes boring into the cell, staring at me with no expression, I could smell the wolf in him confirming my thoughts. The bar door opens with a creak and in walks the brunette wolf, he looks me up and down before heading to the side toward Mom.

"Hey!" I shout, sitting up straighter despite my aching muscles. "Don't you dare touch her!"

He ignores me and continues his movements towards Mom, she doesn't look at him until he's standing over her, her gaze flickers up to his as he crouches to her level; the fear in her eyes was unmistakable. The man pulled something from his pocket-whatever it was, glinting in the light- when he turned a certain angle. Four syringes laid in his wide palm, two which were filled with clear glittering liquid and the other two were empty.

"What are you doing?" I question him, the chain around my neck, clinking as I move.

I watch as he takes the empty syringe and uncaps it, before sticking the needle in Mom's arm before I could get another word, she flinches at the action and blood begins to slowly fill the barrel, once full he takes the needle out and caps it. Taking one of the full syringes, he grips Mom's arm when she tries to pull away.

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