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C h a p t e r N i n e t e e n

Every heart desires a mate.

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Freezing water surrounds my body, washing over my face and cutting off my supply of air. Bubbles floated above, as I scream, the water instantly filling my mouth and traveling toward my lungs leaving an icy cold feeling in its wake. My limbs felt like lead with my clothes, my eyes wide open I watch the surface move farther away from my reach.

And with new found energy and determination, I force myself to swim up, my lungs burning with the need to breathe, I open my mouth, pushing myself harder, bubbles of oxygen surrounding me and finally I broke through the surface; taking a deep, gasping breath. With my hair matted to my scalp, I turn myself around in the water blinking rapidly; my eyes widen when my gaze connects with the huge wave coming my way.


I scream as the wave crashed into me violently, submerging me underwater once again, twisting and turning me, flipping my body upside down in all kinds of directions. I came up for air but wave after wave crashed, knocking me under and against the cliff wall side.

Again. And again. And again.

My head snapped back, knocking against a sharp-edged rock, pain flooding my senses. Everything slowed, all my movements ceasing while I drifted down, the violent waves above me coming to a still. Through parted eyelids, I watched as rays of sunlight broke through the clear surface of the water, the coldness surrounding me and my hair floating around my face just as the sight of red flowing upwards caught my eye.

I couldn't help but think how beautiful the water looked as I continued to float toward the ocean floor slowly losing consciousness. The water glistening like diamonds under the light, it was so beautiful and pretty, a glow to it making my body relax. Funny how I find out my Dad is a werewolf and not too long after I'm going to die drowning.

If I could chuckle, I would have.

My eyes sluggishly close, everything blanking out and quieting into soft mummers and sounds, and the last thing I saw was a shadowy figure swimming towards me. Then darkness.

~ • ~

". . bigail. . ." something whispered.

"She isn't. .bre . . ing!"

Something warm pressed against my chest before pressure was added, up and down, like someone was pumping air into a bike's tire. My senses were slowly coming back.

It inched its way from my chest and crawled at a rapid pace up my throat and out my mouth, my body lurched forward on its own, vomiting. The taste of the ocean water on my tongue.

"Turn her on her side!" a voice rushed out.

Warm hands were placed on my forearms, tilting me to my side, just as another round of water spewed past my lips. The hand rubbed my back, sparks erupting where it touched. Once everything passed, I slumped down on the cool ground and I could faintly feel from my fingertips the chilling texture of snow.

I parted my eyes open, greeted with the grayish sky that was filled with gray because of the snow. The cool air blew across my wet cheeks and body, causing me to shiver uncontrollably. A shadow then blocked my view and I blinked, adjusting my sight while coming face to face with Xavier, a dripping wet Xavier as worry were clouding his facial features.

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