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C h a p t e r E i g h t

Liking what you do is happiness.

♦ ° ♦ ° ♦


I turn in the direction the voice called out, gazing through the gaps of students as we all stood outside, waiting for rides; school has been let out for more than ten minutes. There were fewer people as some had been set out on their walk home as most stood and conversate. There, on the curb, standing by the vehicle was Mom as she waved me over, my name passing her lips once more when I didn't move.

In the mist of it all, she gathers the attention of the surrounding students as they turn to look at me, my lips pulling into a nervous smile before I quickly make my way towards her and the car. The eyes of everyone only make hairs on skin stand at being the center of attention once again, the urge to become more invisible stronger than ever.

"Next time, can you call me when you're on your way so I can be ready and not have you call my name across the yard?"

She only smiles, shaking her head and pulls me into a hug, her smell engulfing me.

"I'll make sure to do that next time. Didn't mean to embarrass you," she says as she runs a hand through my hair. "How was school?"

I give her a small forced smile. "It was. . . interesting." I reply, looking around.

She nods, "Good, Good. Let's go now, I have to get dinner ready!" she pats my shoulders, stepping away, before moving around to the driver's side of the car while I hop in the passengers'.

We both buckle up and while doing so my eyes shift over to look out the window where majority of the students were staring after the car.

'Not weird at all.' I think to myself, turning back, 'Totally not weird at all.'

"So, why are you cooking dinner early?" I ask the minute she pulls off along with other cars.

She casts a glance my way, "Your Dad is having a guest over tonight and I decided to whip something up for them both," she explains.

"Do you know who the person is?"

"He mentioned that it was just an colleague from work, he's coming to discuss some business."

I nodded, seeing as the conversation was over and faced the window watching as the trees whizzed by; unaware of the nervous glance Mom sent my way.

~ • ~

The soft hum that escaped Mom's mouth was comforting as she cooks, the smell of spices and cooking meat surrounding the atmosphere in a heavily aroma of combinations. Feel relaxed after a long day of being the center of attention eased my mind from raging thoughts, I flipped the next page of my book of choice while leaning back in the kitchen chair, the ding of the timer meant for the chicken casserole echoed.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Raising my head from my book, I see Dad a few seconds later walking pass the kitchen entrance and down the hall towards the door, I strain my ears a little to hear him unlock and swing the door open, silence following.


"Cole," responded a deep voice.

Then there was silence. That's when Mom passed my chair a little, wiping her hands on the apron that was resting over her slightly protruding stomach, she looked my way and nodded me over.

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