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C h a p t e r   F o r t y

She wasn't afraid to be herself. When everyone said, "be a lamb," she showed her fangs, and became a wolf.

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Both wolves, brown and blonde, come barreling from the forest line, heading our way. They skid to a stop in front of Dad, gazing up at him with beady eyes.

"Nothing?" he asks, already knowing the answer.

They shake their large heads, sadden looks as they wait for further instructions, my hands ball up at my side as I looked down at the snow that was melting around my feet from my rising body heat. My claws extended and punctured the skin of my palm, sending sharp zips of pain through my system as I willed myself not to shift, he claws at the walls I built up to keep him from taking over, each day is a struggle and soon I won't be able to take it.

Dad sighs, jerking his head to the side as he dismisses both wolves, watching them shoot off into the shadow of the trees to continue their search for their lost Luna. The growls in the background from Abigail's grow louder, things in the house crashing to the floor thumping and shattering; I could only imagine what it's like for your child, mate, and unborn child to be taken from beneath your nose.

My Dad turns away from the woods and faces me with a solemn look, "We're going to find them. Don't worry."

I grunt, taking a deep breath. Day six and still nothing, not a whiff of their scents, not a track left behind— it was as if they were meant to be wiped off the face of the earth.

"I don't understand what they want," I hear Dad mumble to himself, in deep thought. "Never in my years have I heard Vampires and werewolves- rogues at that, working together. What's their purpose?"

"To kill."

I turn to see Dylan walking towards us, Riley closely behind as she holds a worn-out book in her hands, once closer Dylan gestures towards the book an incredulous expression on his face.

"Did you know this book is registered in the school's library and I don't know about it?" he says, taking the book from Riley and waving it.

I frown, tilting my head, "I don't understand what you mean." I state, "What's the point of that book?"

"Where did you find that?" Dad asks after, a bit shocked.

Dylan directs his eyes towards him, taking a step forward, flipping to a certain page.

"It was in Abigail's book bag. This is the answer to all our questions, the reason why everything's been happening."

There's an excited gleam in his eyes with a tinge of relief and I couldn't help but feel the same, knowing that all the things that have been happening all these months will finally come to an end.

"DAD! stop!" Mason's voice shatters the atmosphere between us.

We all whip around to see his father dashing out of the house and stumbling to a stop in the middle of the yard, determination was coming off of his in waves, his beats close to the surface causing his eyes to flash a lighter brown. His attention was focused on the edge line of the woods, flickering from tree to tree, searching for something.

"Elijah!" he bellows, "I know you're there! Show yourself."

The lingering warrior wolves that Mason called to the house, look at Abigail's Dad as if he's gone out of his mind- maybe he has- Mason slowly stalks towards him hands still by his side.

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