Chapter 1- The Transfer Student

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Eren and her mother were in an old, dilapidated building way out in the middle of the forest. She could see the stars shining above, winking in and out of existence in the starry night sky. Then, out of nowhere, a few drops of red interrupted her reverie. Eren quickly looked over in the direction of the red in search of the source. But to her horror, she saw her mother, laying on the ground, coughing up her own blood. Eren screamed and did her best to wiggle over to her dying mother, her bonds chaffing at her wrists. She watched as the light slowly faded from her mother's kind eyes. It was such a shame that this beautiful night had to be tainted with blood and death.

Eren was completely outraged. Her dear beloved mother has just died right before her very eyes, and the killers were laughing it up as if they were at a carnival. They were catcalling and spitting at the now lifeless corpse. Filled to the brim with senseless rage, Eren ripped her bonds apart like they were nothing but a small piece of string. She soared toward one assailant, clawing at the murderer. She managed to grab the knife from him and slash at him with the blood-soaked weapon without hesitation. He fell to his knees and never rose again. The men surrounding her looked shocked, mortified even. They began to back away from the murderous look they were receiving from this small ten year old child. She screamed her throat raw as she ran at the rest of the three men, slashing and stabbing and crying and screaming. Blood spewed everywhere. Finally, her rampage came to an inevitable end as the dead men surrounding her now looked up into the same sky with glazed-over eyes.

Eren dropped the knife from sheer exhaustion and began to sob her little heart out. She looked at her hands, now soaked in the same red substance. Blood. Eren collapsed onto the cold wooden floor next to her mother and blacked out.

From much closer, the incessant sound of an alarm clock blared into the silent room.


A mumbling from underneath the covers could be made out to be,"Stupid alarm clocks. They are such a blessing, and yet a terrible curse to humanity," Eren said as she sat up in her bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

She leaned forward, clutching her aching head. "Why can't that day just go away already?" She continued to mumble under her breath.

She finally conjured up the will to rise from her nest of blankets. She crawled out, rather un-lady-like, drowsily dragging herself to her closet.

"Yet another beautiful day, just to be ruined by the animal down the hall. What a shame." She said rather sadly.

Eren lazily grabbed a yellow sheer top and a golden tank-top, along with a pair of skinny jeans and navy blue shoes. The only reason she could afford all of these nice things was because she held a second secret job so that she could buy herself some things. Though she did have some nice clothes, there were too few of them. They all could literally fit in one suitcase. But she didn't want people to question why she didn't have nice clothes, so she had to pretend she had money to draw the suspicion away.

She quickly, but oh so quietly, scrambled into them. She thanked whatever deity out there that she had a bathroom to herself in her room. She picked up her brush and began to work through the many curls that always appeared after she woke up, which was thoroughly annoying the crap out of Eren. She brushed and brushed her chocolate brown locks. Her hair was on the wavy side, and fell to a little below the shoulder. Then, she brushed her teeth and decided her appearance was satisfactory. However, the sad and tired look in her eyes never seemed to go away. At least, not since that day.

Eren glanced down, finding the little scars along the bottom of her neckline that she knew would proceed downwards to other parts of her body if she were to look. Eren decided to wear a blue plaid scarf and cardigan to try to cover up those hideous reminders of more dreadful times.

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