Chapter 20- The End Is Only the Beginning

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Levi's P.O.V.

Why wasn't she waking up?

It had been several days since we rescued Eren.

I was cleared of any possible charges when they discovered the safety was still on.

That monster was lucky.

But Eren wasn't. We found she had a broken bone in her rib cage and her leg. Never mind the bruises or internal bleeding.

The only comfort I had was the annoying sound of the heart monitor. It let me know that she was still alive. She was still here.

"Eren, can you hear me?"

Eren's P.O.V.

Where am I?

Levi's P.O.V.

"Eren, are you there?"

Eren's P.O.V.

Where's Levi?

Levi's P.O.V.


Eren's P.O.V.

I can hear him.

Where is he?

Levi's P.O.V.

The heart monitor had picked up a bit.


Beep. Beep.

"Eren, can you hear me?"

It got faster.

"Oh, Eren, please wake up."


"For me."

Eren never disappoints.

Because I could see those beautiful blue-green eyes right now.

-Four Years Later-

Eren's P.O.V.

Levi and I were currently sitting around the fireplace with Farlan and Isabel. We had an extremely competitive game of Uno Attack going on. And I was winning.

Okay, I was head-to-head with Levi.

But I was ahead!

"Uno!" I cried.

"What?! No fair! You are way too good at this game. You aren't allowed to play anymore!" Isabel cried out.

I merely chuckled and looked to Farlan to make his move. He only shrugged as he placed his red five down.

Isabel looked grumpy as she slammed her red nine down on the innocent coffee table.

"Levi! Ya got to help us! Eren is gonna win again if you don't!"

I chuckled evilly as I glanced in Levi's direction. To which he only raised an eyebrow.

We waited in anticipation for Levi's next move. Would I win? Or does he have a card to make me draw more cards?

He calmly perused his cards, as if shopping at the store for cleaning supplies.

I huffed in annoyance. He was purposefully dragging this out, which was quite unnecessary.

He finally settled on a card, and calmly placed it down

It was a blue nine.

"Yes! Yes! I win!" I shouted excitedly.

I slammed that blue two down as hard as possible and shot up from my chair, doing a victory dance.

"Oh yeah! I win! Woohoo! Suckahs!" I sang.

"Levi! We were counting on you!" Isabel whined.

Levi's P.O.V.

"Sorry, I didn't have anything," I said in my usual monotone.

"Yeah right! You let her win!" Isabel exclaimed while jabbing her finger in my direction.

"Tch, please."

I laid out the one card I had left, which was a green seven.

"See? Told ya," I said with a smirk.

Isabel harrumphed and started to pout. "So unfair!"

I ignored her in favor of watching Eren happily skip around us in victory.

I was so happy.

No visible reminders remained to indicate that she had experienced any trauma for years ago. All of her bones healed quickly and the bruises had faded away.

And all that was left was her gorgeous smile.

Grisha Jaeger was sent to a high-security prison in Germany, receiving a life sentence without parole.

He wouldn't be bothering us again.

Eren and the rest of us had finished up school without any more bumps and graduated at the top of our classes. She received a scholarship to any college she chose. The look on her face at the time was extraordinary.

I myself received much the same, seeing as Eren and I studied together all of the time.

But we still hadn't decided on the right place. But we agreed to stick together.

Of course, not everything was perfect.

Eren's physical trauma might have been healed, but mentally she was scarred.

And who wouldn't be?

But we had each other, and always would. Nothing could separate us, not even her nightmares.

Now, how should I go about giving her this ring?

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