Chapter 10- The Cold, Hard Truth and Potato Soup

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Eren's P.O.V.


"I detest school! It's filled with mindless brats, and equally mindless adults who don't know how to teach crap! Why do I have to go to that stupid school anyway? We're only relearning everything we learned last year!"

Levi had been ranting the entire time we were in the car, in the garage, and now he was storming the first floor. Dust cowered before his fury. Any stains or specks of dirt ran for their lives. Because when Levi was raging, he was cleaning.

It was positively spotless, as if it could get any more clean. The whole first floor had not a lick of dirt on it, so Levi moved to the staircase, and then the second and third floors, along with the fourth and fifth as well. Though, he left my room alone, which was perfectly fine by me. I didn't need someone cleaning up after me or going through my things. While Levi was doing his thing, I went to the kitchen to make some tea. I had gleaned from Isabel that Earl Grey tea calms him down, so I made two cups.

I heard the vacuum cleaner shut off, so I took that as my cue to give him his chill pill. I walked up the stairs and started looking around for the clean freak. After ten minutes of searching, I found him next to a supply closet on the fourth floor. He was rearranging all of the Windex and furniture polish bottles and cans.

Silently approaching, I walked up to him and waited for him to acknowledge me. When seven minutes had passed and he was still absorbed in his task, I took the initiative to start up the conversation.

"I've never seen you this worked up before," I said suddenly.

I have never seen a man jump out of his pants so high or fast in my entire life either. I would have paid to see it again, it was that priceless. But I kept my face straight to keep up the innocent charade.

He turned to me and glowered, icy daggers shooting from his eyes. It didn't effect me though, I just stood there impervious to his efforts to make me cower. As per usual.

"Where, the devil, did you come from?" He asked, still a little skittish.

"What ever do you mean?" I asked in my most innocent tone of voice. "I've been here for the past seven minutes. I'm amazed you never noticed."

"Tch, what do you want?" He asked in an annoyed voice.

I held up the two amazingly still hot mugs of tea by way of an answer.

His eyes widened slightly. "You made those...?" He asked quietly.

I desperately wanted to make a sarcastic come back, but I held my tongue.

"Yup!" I replied cheerfully. "Now, let's go sit down and you can calm down from your little reign of terror."

He rolled his eyes, but followed me anyway.

We walked down the hallway and came to his room. Levi casually walked in, and after a moment of hesitation, I followed him. We sat in different parts of his room: Levi in his desk chair and me on the bed. We sat there in companionable silence, just drinking our tea when I decided to strike up a conversation.

"So, Levi, why is Earl Grey tea your chill pill?" I said off-handedly.

Said male looked over at me over the rim of his mug, which he was holding weirdly. He was holding the rim with his fingertips and drank from the gap between his thumb and forefinger. It was as if he was afraid of breaking the handle...

"I don't know. It just has a relaxing aura to it, and the flavor is delicate. With just the right amount of honey, it's perfect. It calms me down immediately, and I get a little drowsy, which helps with the insomnia when I can't sleep."

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