Chapter 3- The Tour

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Eren was walking down the school's hallways, pointing towards various classrooms and explaining what they were used for.

Levi was secretly glad that the school was seemingly so big, otherwise the tour would have been way too short. He mentally took a step back and realized where his thoughts were going, and had to reel them in.

He ended up staring at her for the majority of the time, the only exception being when she pointed to a classroom, because Levi didn't want to have to walk everywhere just for him not to know anything about the school. That would be completely pointless and stupid. But just then, Eren stopped in her tracks and grabbed his arm rather tightly. Levi was about to ask her what was wrong, but she just placed her fore and middle fingers on his lips, silencing his yet-to-be-asked question.

Levi silently thanked his control over his emotions, otherwise his reaction might have been embarrassing. And it was then that he heard something. The sound of footsteps and voices were coming down the hallway in their direction.

Eren looked like she was listening into their conversation, which Levi didn't think fit her character all that well, making him more than a little confused. Her eyes widened and she suddenly pulled him into an empty classroom and shut the door as softly as possible.

He looked over at her and asked, "Hey, what's the big idea?" but was just shushed again while she proceeded to press her ear to the door. Levi followed suit, curious as to what was making Eren act this way.

The voices and footsteps gradually grew closer, and he could finally make out what they were saying. "That new transfer student seems to be full of himself, but he better watch out with Eren, or Jean is gonna be mad," one obnoxious voice said.

"You said it. He better high-tail it out o' there, if he knows what's good for 'im," another stupidly replied. They both laughed as if that was the funniest thing they had ever heard, which frankly it was just plain stupid and totally cliché.

Levi looked over at Eren and was shocked at what he saw. She looked like she was just itching to punch them all in the face. He silently hoped for the idiots' safety.

He didn't know what he was doing, but he hesitantly placed his hand on Eren's shoulder. However, this caused an immediate reaction in the form of a violent flinch. She turned sharply to him, a panicked look on her face. Levi wondered why she would react so drastically to a hand on the shoulder, but kept his questions to himself.

But Eren noticeably calmed down when she realized what he was doing, which Levi was glad for, because that would have been awkward if he had unnecessarily touched her and it backfired on him. Eren looked at him and gave a reassuring smile, letting him know nonverbally that she was okay now.

Levi let go, and she turned her attention back to spying through the door again. Seemingly satisfied no one was around any longer, Eren walked out the door and started walking again, the tour now back on track. Supposedly. But just as they started walking again, another equally annoying voice came from behind them.

"Well, well. That looks awfully suspicious. A boy and a girl coming out of an empty classroom together. Especially during class time." He turned around, and could have sworn that at first glance there was a horse standing there, but turning around, Levi could tell it was just another person.

"Well, Horseface, have you resorted to stalking me now?" He was inwardly amused at the fact he was not the only one to think that the person in front of them looked way too similar to a horse to be natural.

"Ah, come now, Sweetheart, don't talk like that. You know you love me." He couldn't help but wonder if there were a few screws loose in that brain of his.

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