Chapter 13- The Consequences of Izzy's Wrath

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Levi's P.O.V.

I don't know whether I want to strangle her or get on my knees and thank her for this.

Said girl was currently driving us home, all the while grinning like an idiot at the two of us through the rear view mirror. Eren had leaned back against me about five minutes into the drive and fell asleep. Not wanting her to fall off, of course, I had wrapped my arms around her thin waist and pulled her to me a little more to make her feel more comfortable. Isabel was clearly enjoying this, and could hardly contain her fangirl squeals. The problem was she was more interested in watching us than driving, so I got on her case more than once. I was feeling tired as well, so I decided to take a little nap myself.

Little did I know Isabel had turned around at a red light and snapped a picture of us.

Eren's P.O.V.

I was awoken by a small poke to my cheek. Drowsily, I opened my eyes, swiveling my head to look at the owner of the offending finger. Isabel was smiling shyly at me.

"Hey, Eren. We're home now," she said softly.

I looked around at my surroundings. I was still in the car, but through the windows I could see the garage. My gaze wandered back to Isabel, smiling a tired smile. Isabel fidgeted a bit in place and gave me a small grin back.

"Could you wake Levi up? I'm kind of scared to, but I doubt he'd get too mad if you woke him up."

I made a small affirmative noise, not really caring why she thought I wouldn't get my head chomped off before her, and Isabel walked off to bed after saying goodnight.

I turned slightly so that I was half facing him and I got a good look at his sleeping form.

He looks so peaceful...

Levi's face held no frown, and he just looked so at peace. I was afraid I was hurting him sitting in his lap for so long, but his face gave no indication that he was in any pain. I smiled slightly.

He looks younger without his usual scowl.

Still smiling, I placed my hand on his cheek, stroking it softly with my thumb. I knew I could get away with touching his face since he was so tired right now. I hated to wake him up, but he'd be much more comfortable in bed, and not in this stuffy car certainly. I leaned over so my mouth was right next to his ear and whispered, "Levi, unfortunately, you cannot sleep in the car. Let's get you to bed."

He stirred slightly and opened his eyes.

As much as I loved watching him sleep, he looked positively adorable when he was trying to wake up.

Levi gave a small grunt, to which I answered with a light chuckle.

"C'mon, sleepy head, time to go to bed," I said smiling slightly.

Levi made a face of annoyance and closed his eyes, to which I gave a small sigh, knowing this was going to be much harder than it was supposed to be.

I crawled off of his lap so I could try to pull Levi out of the car. I had to muffle my laughter when he gave a small whine of protest when the warmth he so loved drifted away. I finally coaxed Levi out of the car after a few minutes of work and closed the door behind him, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and beginning the long journey up to Levi's room.

After a while of huffing and puffing and dragging Levi to his room, I finally succeeded.

I opened up the door to his, as always, spotless room and didn't bother to turn on any lights because of the moonlight shining through. I walked Levi over to the bed and I stripped the covers down, putting the decorative pillows off to the side neatly so that he could lay under the blankets. He looked like he'd pass out at any moment, so I took the articles of clothing off that would obstruct his sleep. The hat, vest, socks, and shoes came off, and were neatly folded and put on his desk. The shirt I hesitated on, but eventually went ahead and took it off as well, putting it with the rest of his things. But I sure wasn't taking the pants off. Those were staying on.

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