Chapter 2- The Locker

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"I hope you are going to clean up that blood. I can't stand messes."

If Eren was paying any kind of attention, she would have seen Mr. Oluo look up and shoot the male a glare. But she wasn't paying any attention. The view from her window was very pretty in the mornings, and there was a blue jay in the nearby tree. Mr. Oluo huffed and attempted speech, which only made him sound even more stupid. "Bra-s, -his is We-I A-er-man. We-I, in-o-uce -u-self."

"I presume you wish for me to introduce myself to the class?" Eren could hear the male ask.

Mr. Oluo nodded and stomped back noisily to his desk, all the while glaring at any other students who dared laugh at him. Though it was already a given that they would.

"Tch. How irritating." Eren silently agreed with that sentiment. That was when she finally turned her head to the source of the commotion, getting a good first look at him. Her surprise even managed to make it onto her face.

The new student was shorter then the average person, but was obviously well built, Eren could see that through the shirt he was wearing easily. He was on the pale side with black raven hair styled into an undercut and parted perfectly down the middle. Most notably was the fact that he wore no emotions on his face, but when she looked into his eyes, she was sucked in. He had the most beautiful yet cold blue-gray eyes Eren had ever seen. Staring into them made one think that he could read them like a book.

With an annoyed look on his face he brought the attention of the class back to him with an "Oi," and all side whispers and conversations were abruptly put to an end.

"I don't want to have to deal with any of you brats. Just stay out of my way and you'll be fine," he said with the most authoritative voice she had ever heard.

Eren wondered how someone so handsome could carry such a nasty attitude. But, then again, it seemingly fit the persona he was aiming for.

Levi looked over at Mr. Oluo and asked, "Where do I sit?" to which Mr. Oluo looked over the class and found the only seat available, conveniently the one right next to her.

"You can sit by Eren over in the corner," he replied with an annoyed look aimed at him. Looking to her he said, "Eren, raise your hand so Levi knows where to sit."


"Where do I sit?" Levi asked the pathetic excuse for a teacher. Mr. Aloha, or whatever his name was, scanned the room for a second and replied, "You can sit over by Eren in the corner. Eren, raise your hand so Levi knows where to sit."

Levi looked over, and a girl raised her hand. His eyes widened a bit, as he looked over at his new neighbor.

The girl, who was called Eren, had dark chocolate hair that fell just below her shoulders. She looked to be fairly tall, but not that much taller then himself. But what stuck out at him wasn't that. It was her eyes. They were a blue-green that blended together in a never-ending battle for dominance. But there was a sad look to her eyes, but not noticeable unless one knew what to look for.

Levi could relate, in a way.

He silently made his way over to the neighboring desk beside her. Their eyes locked again and it felt like the world was just slowly slipping away, and all that mattered was the two of them. Up close, Levi could even make out some gold around her irises. Later on, he would question himself on how he managed to get to his desk without looking like a fool, but that didn't matter currently.

A loud and pointed cough broke the small, fragile connection they had and they both looked back up to the teacher with similar looks of annoyance on their faces. Mr. Oluo said, "Well, I doubt Levi here knows his way around the school yet, so why don't you help him out for today? You're both excused for the rest of the classes," the teacher prompted her.

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