Chapter 18- The Darkness All Around Us

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Levi's P.O.V.

It took little effort for Armin to hack into the radio system. We were all very impressed, but at the same time a little scared about what else he could do. But it didn't matter at the moment. The only thing I was concerned about was the safety of my beloved. I was focused entirely on what the radio had to offer. That was how I was trying to hold on. When everything was coming down around me, I drew strength from the fact that there was no body. No body means that they cannot prove anything. And that was all that I could count on. That was all I needed. I could deal with the rest, as long as I could have Eren safely back into my arms.

Everyone was running about and collecting things they thought they might need, including what weapons that they deemed suitable, defensive tools, first-aid kits, and items used for restraint. I was kind of impressed that they even thought to bring them, but then I thought about it. This was how they were coping. They couldn't crowd around the radio forever, so preparing was how they were handling it. It made sense. But I had what I needed, and it was resting in the belt of my jeans. 

When the preparations were over and they had nothing else to do, that was when they desperately tried to find a place next to the radio. It was only filled with harsh orders and answers back. Nothing had happened, and we were all getting more and more on edge by the second.

I'm so sorry, Eren.

Eren's P.O.V.

All I could do was lay there stunned as I looked at the face of my father. The source of all my unhappiness, my sorrow. The face of my tormentor. I couldn't believe that just a few short moments ago, I was safe and happy, but I knew that it couldn't last. Nothing ever did. I just wished no one would feel upset about what I know will happen next. 

"So, you're finally awake, eh?" he asked with a sinister smile.

The only thing I felt like doing was to continue to stare at him. I had no energy left to even care anymore. He made sure of that. When he didn't get the response he desired, he became angry.

"Ya know, when someone is talking to you, it is polite to respond to them."

Again, I gave no indication that I even heard him. I did not want to give him the satisfaction of an answer. He had done enough, and I was so tired. I didn't bother to hope, either. No, if this man could somehow escape prison, than he would have made sure to cover his tracks and find a safe place to do the deed. There would be no stopping this man. And that is what led me to accept my fate. I sent a silent prayer for my friends and family. And for Levi. I blessed them in my heart and captured them in my memories. That is, until I couldn't do so anymore. What was important, though, was that I was even given the chance at all to be able to meet such lovely people. And to love like I have.

When I finally noticed that he had walked up to me, it was too late. The pain came instantaneously, and I was already screaming.

"Eh? I didn't kick you that hard, ya know. Ya shouldn't try to make too much noise either. Don't make me gag ya," the animal said with a leer.

I steeled myself in my heart. I would not cry in front of this man. No matter what happened, I refused to give him the satisfaction. Just like how I refused to hurt myself to cover up the emotional pain. I would never give in. When I continued to not give him what he wanted, the pain began again. I steeled myself to grit my teeth until it was over.

I'm so sorry, Levi.

Levi's P.O.V.

My nerves, my patience, my sanity were all slipping away, and the process wasn't slow. No, it was happening very, very quickly. With every second ticking by, with every voice that I could hear over the radio, I was drowning. I begged to whoever would listen that I could finally catch a break, but I feared that whatever luck I had was gone. Meeting Eren was apparently the only lucky thing that would ever happen to me. And that would be fine in any other situation, but not this one. This was the one situation where I couldn't just accept that. And the annoying voices on the end of the line were making it worse every time. No one had a clue. That is, until I heard what came next.

"Sir, the cameramen have found the suspected vehicle via traffic cams, and followed it's route to a dirt road. It's address is located off of Forest Road. May we proceed?" 

My heart literally leaped for joy. This was it, maybe I could still be happy. Maybe my luck hadn't completely wore out.

The men received an affirmative, and we waited in silence as they traveled down the road. After about ten minutes, the officer spoke again.

"Sir, we are currently looking at an unregistered, abandoned building. There isn't any activity that we can detect at the moment, but we can't be- wait. I just received word that someone saw movement in a window. May we proceed?"

That was all that I needed. "C'mon guys, let's go."

There was hooting and hollering as everyone clambered into the cars and sped off. Everyone knew that this was the chance. If we screwed this up, there wouldn't be a second chance. But one was enough. We were going to do this right the first time.

Eren's P.O.V.

The pain was excruciating. I couldn't sense anything: my sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell were all destroyed in one way or another, leaving me to guess as to what was about to happen. All I could do was to wait it out until it was over, wish for someone, anyone, to make it stop. I didn't care how, but that it happened sooner rather than later. 

Levi's P.O.V.

I took the lead as we sped down the roads, uncaring what laws were set in place. Speed limits, directions, yield signs; it didn't matter. And I wasn't alone. We soon found ourselves at the entrance to the indicated road, and parked the cars somewhere where no one could see them. Quietly, we gathered our things and made our way down the road, not daring to make a single sound. If we were caught, we could be in so much trouble. But that would never deter us. 

When we came upon the mentioned house, we each spread off into different directions as planned. The police weren't the only ones with radios of their own. We set off in pairs, and I was paired with Mikasa and Armin. We all looked at each other, nodded, and continued on our way. Then, the radio came back on.

"Sir! There are confirmed to be two people inside the house by using heat signature detectors. How should we proceed?"

The chief told them to surround the place and announce their presence.

And I knew that it was not going to end well now. I motioned for Mikasa and Armin to follow me and we bolted for the side of the house.

"Police! Come out with your hands up! We have the place surrounded! Don't try anything funny, or we'll shoot!" One officer shouted.

Knowing who might be in there, I knew that I needed to get ready. I brought out my secret item, and Mikasa's and Armin's eyes widened in astonishment, but soon hardened into determination. I nodded towards them again and set ourselves into place. We had a good line of vision to the door.

My heart was racing, and my palms began to sweat. I was completely scared for Eren and what would happen next. I knew that I was in for a heart attack.

But not this bad.

Eren's P.O.V.

Just when I thought that I would soon be taken over by the darkness, a voice rang out loud and clear, so much so that I winced as my abused ears took in the sound.

"Police! Come out with your hands up! We have the place surrounded! Don't try anything funny, or we'll shoot!"

I heard a small noise of disgust. "Tch, how did they find me so quickly?" 

I could hear muffled shuffling, and then suddenly I was pulled up by my hair. I accidentally let loose a cry of pain.

"C'mon, we're gonna go meet your lovely friends."

But the only thing that I registered was the cold metal to my head and the door in front of me.

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