Chapter 14- The Date Through the Sky

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Levi's P.O.V.

After coming down the stairs, I had made breakfast with eggs and bacon with toast. At the smell, Isabel and Farlan came down to join us and we all sat around the dining table discussing weekend plans. Unfortunately, not, Eren had to sit in my lap, which made eating a little difficult. Though, to me, the problem was a welcome one. I loved having her where she was currently.

"Hey, Levi-aniki, Farlan has a soccer tournament after school today, so I'm going to join him. You're welcome to join us," Isabel said with a smile on her face.

I cleared my throat and answered her. "I actually had some plans in mind for today, but could you take pictures for me?" I answered a little nervously.

Isabel gave me a knowing look, followed by a wink. "Alright, Aniki! Just make sure you bring Eren with you, yeah? Don't want her to be bored at home." I swore she was hiding a smirk.

"Yada yada, fine, whatever. If she wants to come, she's welcome. I doubt she'd be too interested in soccer anyway," I said with a small eye roll.

I looked over at Eren with a quizzical look. Understanding my unspoken question, she gave me a smile and answered, "Sure! What are you doing?"

"Tell you later, it's sort of a surprise," I said, hoping no one caught onto the fact I had been planning this for a while and I was secretly hoping that she would come with me.

Apparently my luck doesn't run that far, because Farlan and Isabel were hiding their smirks behind their stuffed mouths. I gave them each a bone-chilling glare, silently telling them not to lead Eren onto what was happening, to which they both gave little winks in answer. Eren, for her part, was too busy eating to really care about our mental conversations at the moment.

I looked down at my watch and my eyes widened a bit. "Guys! We have to go or we'll be late. Shoot, I was hoping to get the dishes done before we left."

Eren gave a small chuckle, knowing full well what this was going to do to my OCD all day, but also knowing I really hated being late to school as well.

"C'mon, Levi, you can put them in the sink really quick and I can get the car started, so they won't just sit here. Or, you can be lenient for once and let one of the maids do them for you, and that way you can rest easy."

I was incredibly torn, but I decided to go with the latter plan, knowing I would be cleaning them better to my own standards when I got back.

"Tch, fine." I headed over to the stairs and yelled, "Hey, Hannah? Would you mind doing the dishes for me? I don't have time to do them myself."

A young woman appeared at the top of the stairs, with a smile on her face.

"Of course! I'd be happy to. You should hurry to school though. Let me take care of the dishes," she said with a smile.

Nodding my head, Eren and I walked to the garage, watching as Farlan and Isabel take off in their own car already. Quickly getting in, I started the car and we were off to school.

Eren's P.O.V.

I was honestly thrilled about whatever Levi's plan was. It was keeping me on the edge of my seat the entire day. Time seemed to slow, making me even more anxious for school to be over with. My friends could clearly see the excitement oozing out of every pore of my body, not to mention the not-so-hidden smile that managed to peek out every once in a while.

"Eren, why do you look like you'll bolt out the door any second now?" Mikasa said, finally voicing everyone's thoughts. We were all sitting under the cherry blossom tree. We being Mikasa, Armin, Levi, Hanji, and Erwin. Hanji and Erwin were following Levi around, so they inevitably joined us for lunch. Not that I minded, I actually liked them a lot.

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