Chapter 11- The Game Commences

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Levi's P.O.V.

Eren had brought so much life into my own in such a short amount of time, it was almost impossible, and it left me breathless. I've been told several times that I don't look so gloomy or menacing, and I'm much more talkative, or rather more willing to be.

Now, I had instigated a card game. A card game. Can you believe it? What was going through my head that would make me ask for something so uncharacteristic of me?

Probably, "What would make Eren happy?"

Yeesh, I'm losing my crown.

Isabel had just pressed the "dispense card" button, and about seven cards spat themselves out at her. She screamed, making everyone laugh heartily at her predicament. It had become readily apparent that Eren was a natural at Uno Attack, for a complete beginner. She had won two of four rounds so far, and was about to win the fifth and final round, which would make her the overall winner. I came in a close second, with two games won as well, then Farlan, who hadn't won anything, and of course poor Izzy was fourth, who also hadn't won anything. Isabel slumped in her seat, clearly depressed about the amount of cards piling up in her hand. She was never any good at cards, I suppose. Though, put her in a game of Sorry and you won't ever win. Ever. Farlan, as usual, was secretly trying to help her out, while looking as calm as possible. And Eren, well, Eren was having a ball of a time with her beginner's luck.

"Mwuahaha! Uno!" Eren exclaimed.

"Again?!" Isabel cried in despair.

"Ha ha ha! Bow before me! The ruler of Uno Attack! I dare anyone to challenge me!" Eren said rather pompously.

"Hmm, Uno."

Eren snapped her head to the source of the voice who had "dared challenge her", which of course was me. Who else?

She narrowed her eyes. "You.... I should have known."

I snarkily replied, "You really should have."

Farlan put a wild card down. "Blue," he said.

Oh, Farlan, you know what card I have, don't you?

I gave Farlan a look, to which he winked at.

Knew it.

My card was a blue nine. But how Farlan figured that out, I don't know.

I reached over and popped the button, which spat nothing. No one, besides Farlan, knew that I had a blue nine. Which was why I could pull a stunt like that.

"Uno," I said after leaning back in my chair comfortably.

Farlan gave me an incredulous look that said, "I just gave you a way to break Eren's winning streak, and you thank me by lying and letting her win?!"

In return, I winked at him. Like you, Farlan, I have someone I want to help.

Eren was ecstatic. She started yelling,  "I win! I win! Yes~!"

Turns out she had a blue three.

Isabel groaned, Farlan face-palmed, and I smirked, watching Eren jump up and down in delight. However, I had forgotten what deal we had made in the beginning, which was now ringing through my ears.

"Okay! Let's make a deal!"

Everyone turned to Isabel.

"Whoever has the majority of wins by the fifth round gets to tell second place to do something, and they can't refuse. Second tells third, and third tells fourth. But fourth gets nothing. Deal?" She said.

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