Chapter 16- The Beginning of Drastic Changes

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Eren's P.O.V.

For a month, things proceeded in this manner. Never had I thought that I was allowed such happiness. Never had I thought that I could be loved so thoroughly by my new siblings and friends and boyfriend. Never had I thought I would even have those people in my life. Never had I thought I could enjoy school more than I already did. Never had I thought that I could love at all. And most importantly, I never thought I would ever have someone as kind, loving, and beautiful as Levi in my life.

So why did I get the bad feeling that this would all crash down on me as soon as I get comfortable?

Grisha's P.O.V.

I never thought that this would ever happen to me. I don't remember how it had gotten so bad. It seems like yesterday that I found my future wife staring adoringly at the rose bushes in front of the university. By then, it had been several months into the school year, and my crush on her had only grown from first sight. I would always find flimsy excuses to talk to her or even just get a glimpse of her. And then, it finally happened: we became friends. And over time, that developed into more. I was planning to major in medicine, while she decided she wanted to do the same, though she never really went into it after we married. When university ended, I asked Carla to marry me, and a month later we were successfully moved into our new house with a child on the way. Everything was going so smoothly and perfectly, and Eren came along. I loved her and my wife so much. For ten years, our family only grew happier and happier, and my job really kicked off. I became a famous doctor, being known as the man who could cure practically everything. And then, it all crashed down on me in an instant. I had come home from a long business trip to find police officers all around my house. When I asked what had happened, they told me a mother and her child had been kidnapped and they were still looking for them. After a couple heart-pounding weeks, I received a phone call telling me that they had found my daughter, but "I'm sorry sir, but your wife is dead," was all I could hear or really care about in that moment. My wife was no longer with me. Immediately, I was filled with irrational anger, and all I wanted to do was tear out the hearts of every person involved. I raced to the hospital, and in the morning, was told that Eren had already done the deed. But that didn't help my anger. How could my little girl take out those men, but not protect Carla, my most beloved thing on this earth? Now channeling my anger to Eren, we moved to America and settled in. But the nightmares would never truly go away.

I swore that Eren would never have a happy life after that. For not protecting my beloved. If she was so strong, surely she could have kept Carla alive. But no, the little brat had to have her mother save her before she could hurt anyone. I will never forgive her.

That is why I must escape.

I must have my revenge.

Levi's P.O.V.

I had never seen Eren so full of life as she had been for the last month. She was more social and overall vibrant, she grew comfortable with other people besides myself, Izzy, and Farlan, and she had even let her friends in on the fact that she was coated in scars. I was kind of disappointed in that, hoping to keep that very personal fact between us, but than again, I am a very selfish person and I need to let some things go. Wow, she really has changed me. Plus, she got very good at making tea, which I never passed up an offer on when Eren was in the mood to make it.

My classes were going well, figuring that I transferred so late into the year into a new country with new rules and the like. But I guess that was easier with Eren.

In a way, Eren's sociable attitude rubbed off on me as well, as much as I hate to admit it. I was more open with people, though not very many of them because they are all filthy brats that need to shove off somewhere. In addition, my expressions progressed from one to five, maybe. Give or take. The new four are reserved for Eren only though.

At the end of the month though, I got a very weird feeling that I was being watched. At first, I didn't want to tell anyone because I thought I might have been imagining it, but as the week progressed, I had to admit that this was unnatural. Of course, the first person I told was Eren, and she expressed that she was actually feeling the same way. This put me on edge. I didn't know what to expect anymore, but I was hoping to God that it would pass and we were just being paranoid given our pasts.

Unfortunately, this was not the case as it progressed more and more over the next few weeks. It got to the point that I thought I could see someone following me if I turned around quick enough. I made sure Eren was by my side at all times, because if anything bad would happen, it would unfortunately be to her, because the poor girl just summons the worst kind of luck to her.

To get our minds off of the weird feeling, I gathered all of our friends together and hosted a party at my house. Of course, I warned them that if they left a mess anywhere, they would be skinned alive and thrown into the rain. Because yes, it happened that it was raining today. It turned out to be a lot of fun. We played a lot of games, including Uno Attack, and even with the added number of people, Eren still conquered all, with Izzy last of course. But in the next few games we played, I came out on top, with Eren and Erwin tying for second in most of them. I almost started laughing one time when I caught the look Eren sent Erwin, and vice versa, when Erwin won Scrabble. It was priceless, and I mourned the fact I couldn't get it on camera. Food and drink were obviously provided, though I eyed Sasha when she continuously stuffed her face with the potato chips. Surprisingly enough, she didn't spill a single crumb, though I guessed it was morebecause she loved it too much to spill any than she was actually being neat. As the night wore on, Eren told me she had to use the bathroom. I was suddenly hit with a wave of foreboding.

"Maybe I should come with you?" I asked, though I wanted to face-palm myself for asking. But I couldn't shake off this bad feeling.

In return, she gave me a strange look, which morphed into one of understanding. Gosh, she was smart. "I will be fine, Levi. I'll come right back," she reassured me.

I was still hesitant, but I allowed her to go. This would turn out to be one of the worst mistakes of my life.

Eren's P.O.V.

Levi wasn't the only one who was feeling slightly hesitant. I could feel a cold, itching feeling crawling up my spine. But I didn't want to admit that I was scared of being alone. Thankfully, Levi had allowed me to keep sleeping with him in his room lately, so I didn't have to feel so alone, but now that I had to go up a couple flights of stairs to the nearest bathroom, I wasn't feeling so sure of myself. I didn't want to admit to Levi that yes, I absolutely wanted him to come with me, but I also didn't want to look weird in front of my friends. So I made a hasty decision to go by myself.

I slowly ascended the staircase, and entered the dark hallway. Suddenly, I was extremely petrified. All of the shadows suddenly looked menacing, and the portraits were definitely staring at me. I quickened my pace. I wanted to get back to Levi's warm and safe embrace as quickly as possible. I even contemplated whether or not I should just ignore the sensation and go running back to Levi. Or even change my first decision and ask him to come with me. Though my pride would not let me.

I should have known that it would be my doom. I had read many stories already of people dying because of their stupid pride.

I finally found the bathroom, but I never made it inside.

Because my world had finally returned to the black I once knew so well until I had Levi.

Levi's P.O.V.

It hit me like a ton of bricks.

Suddenly, I jumped up, eliciting the attention and weird looks of my new friends. Without a word, I rushed to the staircase, unaware that I was being followed by them. I hurried my way down the corridor, until I reached the bathroom. Though, I really didn't have to go that far. Because on the floor, was a small pool of blood, and no Eren.

I should have followed her.

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