I try to stay in my own path
My own lane
Where I'm supposed to walk straight
Never looking back
Or to the left or right
Just straight ahead
Towards my own desire
I move forward.But somehow I always want to stop
There's something missing
My footsteps seem to want something
And it hits me
I turn my head back
There lies your silhouette
It made me stay.You are merely just a shadow
A figure I cannot figure out entirely
But I can't help but look back
Glance at you
Even though I already have a destination ahead
You make me stay.I keep moving
Of course I still keep walking
No I try to run
But I stop
Look back
Listen and look
You made me stay.I always say I move forward
To let you see I'm okay
And you nod with a smile
So carefree and pure
We talk and laugh
Friends, right?
I stayed.There it goes again
That sound of genuine sadness
Scratching my ears
It graces your features
Sadness that keeps your head low
While you walk forward
Struggling with every footstep
She makes you stay.I guess you're not the only one being held back
You love.
I love.
We stay.