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I will fall gently not carelessly
I am an angel falling through the skies
Without a doubt
No wings present on my back
Nothing to keep me up there
I will fall gently not carelessly
Because I know I'm falling
No matter what I say
I chose to fall
What an idiot
I say
No what a gentle idiot
Because a love like this is gentle
But in this case
You, my, lover chose the heavens instead
When I chose to bargain with the hells just for your beautiful head
And here I am falling
Straight to where I'm supposed to stay now
Gentle not careless
Because I embrace the fumes of flames and heat
Scorching my flesh burnt
It doesn't hurt you know
I am careful because the pain
Doesn't touch me anymore
Unlike the way you recoiled away from me
I am gentle because I'm a soul dead gone forever
Yet your soul is the only reason I'll still be willing to just live for
Loving you was literally hell
And here I am.

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