Tell Us Everything

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I look in the mirror at myself and let a sigh in disappointment. I look sick. I look like I'm dying. Something on my left forearm catches my eye in the reflection, causing me to lower my head and take a look at it. Oh my god. When did they do this? Right there on my arm were the tattood numbers: 214783. The mark of a prisoner. How am I going to hide this? 
"Anya! Are you dressed yet?" I hear Peggy call out for me.
"Coming!" I shout back as I purse my lips.

"So, how does this look?" I ask as I walk out of the bedroom I was in with my arm pressed to my side to hide the tattoo, wearing an outfit I picked out of the closet. Thank god I still have my bra. I would not get caught dead in those pointy torture devices that are so called "bras".
"It suits you." Peggy gives me a smile. 
"She's right." Howard adds in with a nod.
"That's what I've been told." I scoff as my lips form a half smile. 
"How did you know my size?" I ask once the thought pops in my head.
"Well, you were asleep for a week. That gave me enough time to have your size figured out and your clothing bought." Peggy answers my question.
"Oh um, thank you, really. I would not have preferred to be naked. That would have been unpleasant." I thank her with a smile. 
"Not that I would've mind." I hear Howard mutter before Peggy slaps his shoulder. 
"So, where are we going?" I ask. 
"Around. Now come on, I've got places to show you." Peggy smiles before I walk with her towards the entrance. 
"You coming Howard?" She stops in her tracks as she looks back at him? 
"Yeah yeah, I'll be right there." 
"Wait, he's coming?" I whisper to her with a clenched jaw.
"Oh don't worry. He's not that terrible once you get to know him." 
"Alright ladies, after you." Howard smirks at us before opening the door. 
I walk outside and and follow Peggy towards a 40s car. 
"There you go dear." Peggy tells me as she opens the door for me. 
"Thank you." 
I slip in to the backseat and search for a seatbelt, only to internally start panicking. 
What the frick frack? Oh wait, it's the 1940s, there's no such thing as seatbelts. Oh my god. There's no Star Wars. No Star Strek. No The Walking Dead. No Supernatural. No Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter. No Nemo, no favorite Disney movies. No White Chicks. No Starbucks, no In n Out. Where has my life gone? I'm stuck here. I zone out as I begin to think about all the things I have lost. 
"Um, Anya? Anya. Anya!" 
I snap out of my thoughts and look at Howard and Peggy staring back at me from the front seat. 
"Are you alright? You're ghostly pale." Peggy asks me in concern.
"Yeah, I'm all right. I'm okay." I choke out. 
Ok. I need to stop overreacting. I mean come on, who in the world gets to travel through time. 
"Well just sit tight." Howards tells me before driving off.
The car comes to a stop and I look out the window as cars and people pass. I'm still not used to this. I'm not used to being in a whole new time period. 
Howard opens the door for me and I thank him with a smile as I get out and walk onto the sidewalk. 
I look at the store in front of me and glance up at the sign. 
Brooklyn Antiques.
What the hell are we doing at an antique shop? 
I follow Peggy and Howard inside the shop and warily look around. Something doesn't seem right. 
"Wonderful weather we're having." An old lady at the desk smiles at Peggy. 
"Yes, but I always carry an umbrella."
Wait a minute, that's some sort of code. Something is definitely not right. My fingers instinctly place themselves at my right temple as I try to read their minds. I wince and shut my eyes in pain as a mountain of voices hit me like a giant tsunami. Warm blood trickles down my nose as my body starts convulsing.
"Howard! Do something! Help her up!" 
"Jesus Christ! What happened to her?"
"I don't know! We need to get her inside now!" 
I blink my eyes against the brightness as I see blurry visions of people above me. 
"She's incredible!"
"Shh! She's waking up!" 
My vision slowly regains itself and I try to get up, only to find myself restrained. 
"What the?" I breathe out with furrowed brows as my body returns to its full state of consciousness. 
My eyes wander around the room to find myself in some sort of lab with people watching me intently as if I'm a circus animal. 
No. No no no. 
I look behind me and gasp as I see my wings perched back on my back. 
They're back. My god. How?
I grit my teeth as I try to free myself from these leather straps holding me down to a chair.
"Anya, calm down. Just relax." I hear Howard say to me. 
I throw my head up and give him a death glare that would of scared the devil himself, "Calm down?! Calm down?! I'm tied down to a chair and you're telling me to relax?! Are you kidding me?! I was so close to trusting you!" 
"Anya, listen-"
"Don't call me that! How dare you! You asshat!" 
I am not about to be someone's experiment. My body struggles once more and I grit my teeth in anger as the straps finally break loose, sending me flying towards Howard.
"I am not your lab rat!" I growl as my fingers clench around his throat and lift him up above the ground. 
Shouts are heard throughout the room as people rush about trying to pull me away from him with no luck.
"Anya! Let him go! We were only trying to help!" I hear Peggy shout at me.
"Really?!" I turn my head to look at her, "tying someone down is helping them?!"
"We didn't know if we could trust you. Please, just listen. Let me explain." 
I give Howard one last glare before releasing my grip on his neck, letting him fall to the floor coughing as some men rush to check him.
"Here have a seat." Peggy tells me as she sits on a chair across the table.
"Well?" I raise my brow as my arms cross over my chest .
"We thought you were part of Hydra's experiments, a spy. And when your wings appeared, that only added to our suspicion." Peggy explains to me as she folds her hands on the table.
"Really? You thought I was part of that weird psycho Nazi group? And what about this? Is this not proof enough?" I thrust my left arm out to show her the tattoo as give her the are-you-kidding-me face.
"I'm sorry, I really am. But we had to take precautions"
"...I guess I can't blame you. Now what do you need from me?"
"We need you to tell us everything. Tell us what happened to you"

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