I Never Run Away From a Fight

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Back to the current time 1942, 1 month later from the Interrogation.
My eyes wander the streets of Brooklyn, my lips forming a smile and greeting people each time they passed by. When I ended up in that lab, I thought they would lock me up, experiment on me, but they let me go. They listened to my story and concluded that I wasn't the enemy and even offered me a house in Brooklyn. They even let me go back to the Navy. I stop at a local pub near my house and go inside, cluthing my coat closer to me.
"Top of the mornin to ya Anastasia!" The bartender greets me, his words thick with his Irish accent.
"Top of the morning to you too Frank." I smile at the middle aged bartender as I sit down on a bar stool and take out my book to read. 
I usually come to this bar since the people here have gotten to know me well over this month. They mostly know me as that girl who uses weird vocabulary. And it's also pretty quiet most days, except for those rare days that someone will be a complete idiot. 
"Edgar Allen Poe?" Frank gestures to my book as he wipes his hands. 
"My wife loves him." 
"Your wife has a great taste in men." I joke with a stupid expression on my face.
"Oh very funny, you cheeky girl." Frank chuckles, "the usual?" 
"The usual."
"Here you go." He smiles as he hands me my Coke and Vegetarian Sheppard's Pie.
"Thank you Frank." 
"Any time Miss." He tells me before going back into the kitchen.
I open my book beside me and start reading as I shove my fork into my pie to take a bite, only to feel a sudden presence beside me. 
"Hey there darling." I hear someone slur as the smell of alcohol fills my nostrils. 
Oh god. Not today.
I roll my eyes and drop my fork, turning to look at the guy and give him a fake smile.
"Listen bozo, I'm not interested." 
"Aw come now, don't say that."
"Oh yeah, because your stink, stupidity, and your idea that you can get into my pants is totally attractive." I say with sarcasm dripping in my voice. 
"What pants?" 
"Buzz off bozo." I roll my eyes as I turn back to my food. 
I swear if he doesn't leave.
"Come on baby." 
His hand comes in contact with my back causing me to jump off my seat and shove him. 
"Do not touch me! Don't you dare place a hand on me!" I yell at him with my fists balled up. 
Frank rushes out of the kitchen and shouts at the man, "oye! Get outta here ya bugger! She doesn't want the likes of ya!" 
"You're quite fiesty, aren't you little lady?" The drunk man smirks at me before grabbing my arm this time. I raise my fist to punch him only to see another fist come in contact with his face.
What the?
I see the back of the man who "saved me" or more like interrupted me, as he grabs the drunk dude and throws him out of the bar.
"Get out of here punk! And I better not see you messing around again!" He shouts after him.
"Ya alright?" Frank asks me.
"I'm fine." I tell him.
The man turns away from the door and looks at me, allowing me to have a better look at him. 
Gruff features masked his face and a cigar was hanging in his mouth that was formed into a scowl.
"Whatr you lookin at?" He growls as he sits down a stool away from me. 
"I was just...caught off guard." I say as I sit back down on my seat. 
"Don't bother thanking me. He was pissing me off anyway"
"Don't worry. I wasn't going to."
"Really?" He scoffs as he sets his cigar down and takes a sip of his beer.
"Well, you interrupted me. I had him." 
"Did you now?" He turns around in his seat to look at me, "listen kid, you can't bust up a guy his size. You're half his size."
I look at the guy in disbelief and scoff, "Excuse me but, I'm only 5'3. I'm not that small. I can take him. I never let a guy come in between me and my food." I tell him as I eat my pie. 
"Whatever. Just be careful kid." 
"Sure thing." I mutter as he pays Frank and leaves out the door.
What a weird dude.
I go back to reading my book in relaxation and finish off my food. 
"Okay Frank. I'm heading out." I tell Frank as I pay him and put my book back in my pocket.
"Take care Anya. Be careful!" Frank tells me as I walk out the door.
"Thanks Frank! I'll make sure of it!" I say as I leave out the door. 
Time to head back home.
I take out my wireless earphones and plug them in my ears, making sure to hide them with my hair. It's amazing how these still happen to work. Beatles plays through my ears as I softly humm along while walking back. Hold up. Is that? I stop in my tracks as I hear distinct noises making me take off my earphones, leaving them hanging around my neck as I listen intently for the sound. The sound of distant grunts of pain and something falling reaches my ears. It sounds like a fight. I whip my head right, towards the sound and see two people in a fight, one of them beating the other. 
Oh come on.
I shake my head before I dash off towards the fight with my coat billowing behind me. As I get closer, I notice that one of them is a lot smaller than the other. Not another bully.
"Hey! Stop!" I shout at them. 
They're not listening.
My pace slows down to walking as I get closer to them. 
"I said stop!" 
I grab the big guy by the back of his jacket and yank him away, causing him to let go of the little one by the collar and stumble from the loss of balance. 
"What do you think you're doing lady?" He looks at me in angered disbelief.
"I want you to leave him alone. Now." 
"This is none of your business woman." 
"Oh lord. Please do refrain yourself from making me punch the absolute living crap out of you." I give him a sweet smile.
"Hahaha. Listen lady, why don't you go back to your kitchen like your supposed to." 
"Oooh. You really shouldn't have said that." I wince sarcastically as I place my hand over my heart in exaggeration. 
"That's what I thou-" he stops mid sentence as my fist collides with his mouth, sending him falling back on his butt.
"I'm sorry, you didn't finish" I tell him as he looks at me in shock, "Now scram! I better not see your stupid sexist face messing with anyone again!" 
The guy nods his head rapidly as he scrambles to his feet clumsily before running away.
I turn around and cock my head in surprise to see the other guy still here. He was short, barely 5", and scrawny with a bloody lip, bruised cheek, and nappy blonde hair. 
"You're still here? Jesus, you look like shit. You know, me jumping in was your cue to leave." 
"I never run away from a fight, ma'am." He tells me as he dusts himself off, "plus, I wasn't sure if you could handle him. He was twice your size." 
Well he's got manners. 
"Oh please," I roll my eyes, "he was not that big. I handled him perfectly."
"I know. Its just that I've never seen a woman knock a man off his feet, literally." 
"What's your name kid?" I ask him.
"I'm not a kid." 
"Fine, mister." I say with exaggeration, "what's your name?" 
"Steve. Steve Rogers, ma'am." He extends his hand out with a serious smile, if that's even a thing. 
Holy crap, I knew he looked familiar.
"Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov. Just call me Anya." I shake his hand as I return the smile. 
"Nice to meet you ma'am." 
"Oh and enough of the ma'ams. I'm your friend now, not your boss." 
I reach my hand into my pocket and take out a handkerchief, handing it to him, "here, keep it. Why don't you clean yourself up." 
"Thank you," he smiles at me as he cleans off his face, "really, thank you for helping."
"No problem. What did he do that made you want to fight him?" 
"He insulted a lady inside the store." 
"What a dick." I shake my head in disappointment. 
What kind of a man does that. 
"A what?" Steve looks at me in confusion, obviously not understanding the insult.
"Nothing. Listen Steve, next time, if the guy is bigger than you, stay away from the fight alright." I advise him as I place my hand on his shoulder. 
"I can't promise you that ma'am."
My lips form a smile as I shake my head.
"You're not going to stop calling me ma'am are you?" I ask as I walk with him out the alley. 
"No ma'am." Steve smirks at me, his face appearing brighter, despite the cuts and bruises. 
"Well in that case, I'm not going to stop calling you kid." I put an arm around his neck and ruffle his hair playfully as we laugh through the streets, conversing with each other as if we've been friends for years. 

(Kudos to anyone who knows who saved Anya at the bar)

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