I'll Protect You

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Holy fricken chocolate macrons. I'm in fricken Germany. 
How is this possible? Well why not? I did fall from space. This day keeps getting weirder and weirder.
I look back at the leader as he shouts at me, motioning with his rifle for me to get out of the crater. 
"Okay! Jeez, calm down!" I say in exasperation as I hoist myself onto the snow-covered ground. 
The leader shouts at me more and I roll my eyes, "Jesus Christ! I am not doing anything. I don't even know what you're saying! I don't speak German!" I complain as I put my hands up. 
What the hell am I yelling for. It obviously looks like they can't speak English. I raise my eyebrows as I see the soldiers stare wide-eyed at something behind me, or something on my back. What are they staring at? Following their gaze, I turn my head as my eyes drift behind me. Holy mother of pearls. There, perched on my back were an enormous pair of white feathered wings with flakes of gold, the wing span twice the length of my body. 
"What the?" I gasp in shock at the sight. 
This has officially been the weirdest part of my day. 
The leader shouts at me again, snapping my attention back to him. He motions with his rifle again as I feel another soldier poke my back with his rifle, shoving me foreword. Okay, they want me to start walking. 
The guy behind me pokes my back again, causing me to glare at him.
"Watch it." I growl in warning. 
I turn my gaze back ahead and my eyes widen as I see the scenery before me. Oh my god. I'm not just in Germany, I'm in nazi Germany, I'm in the freaking Holocaust. I once again look at the soldiers' uniforms and mentally punch myself for not noticing the swastika on their uniform. Jesus fricken christ. All before me were the Jewish men in their striped uniforms, getting pushed around by the Nazi soldiers. I gasp in horror as a Jewish man falls to the floor from a Nazi soldier starting to beat him with a rifle.
"Nooo!" I shout as I push away the officer blocking me. 
Shouts and running footsteps are heard behind me as I dash to the Jewish man on the ground, shielding him from the Nazi. Before the soldier could hit him again, I grab his rifle and deliver a blow to his stomach with the rifle, sending him flying across the snow. Did I, really just do that? I turn to gaze at the old Jewish man on the floor, his aged eyes looking up at me with fear and appreciation.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." I try to give him a smile, "oh never mind, I forgot you don't speak English."
The shouts of the soldiers I was with reaches my ears as they catch up to me, causing me to spin around and point the rifle at them. 
"Don't come near me! I'll shoot!" I yell at the soldiers as they as well point their guns at me.
My hands were gripping the rifle and my right finger was placed on the trigger. Dear God, please don't make me pull a dumb move. 
They take a step closer to me and my heart races in my chest. 
"I'll shoot!" 
One step closer. 
"This is a warning! I will be obliged to shoot!"
Another step closer.
A gunshot is heard and I feel a sharp pain at the back of my head before I blackout. 

I let out a groan and slowly open my eyes to see gray cement below me, the sound of footsteps against the cement echoing across. I lift my head from my dangling position and look up to see a nazi officer walking in front of me and two soldiers on each side of me, holding me up by my arms as my feet drag across the floor of a hallway. I wince as the voices in german fill my head again, making me grit my teeth. My eyes suddenly widen as I register what they're saying. I can understand them? I feel myself stop and look across to see the officer opening the door of a barred jail cell. 
"No, no, no!" I shake my head violently as I try to shake myself loose, making the two soldiers holding me loose their balance. Two more soldiers run towards the struggle, helping the soldiers holding me and shove me into the cell. I fall to the floor onto my face, my right cheek stinging from the rough friction of the cement against my skin. A growl escapes my throat as I get up onto my knees, throwing myself onto the bars as I spit on the soldiers face. 
"Screw you! I'll get out! You can't keep me in here forever!" I hiss at him.
The soldiers shouts at me in return and then walks away.
"Nazi scum!" I scream at him as I punch the wall next to me, creating a hole from my fist and letting out a small cry of pain.
I gasp in surprise as I see the damage I created, causing me to look down at my right fist. Great, now my knuckles are bloody. My body stands still and my eyes widen as I hear a shuffle and a slight whimper behind me. Who's in here with me? I turn around and look with surprise at a boy in front of me. His eyes are filled with fear of me as he cowers in the corner on the raggedy bed that was set against the wall. 
"Nein nein nein (no no no), shhh!" 
Wait a minute. Did I just speak German? 
"Es ist in ordnung (it's alright)." 
Holy mother of baloney. 
"Ich werde dir nicht weh tun. Ich bin Anastasia. Anastasia Romanov. (I won't hurt you. I'm Anastasia. Anastasia Romanov.)" I try to calm him as I take a step closer to him. 
"Erik Lehnsherr. Bist du ein engel (Are you an angel)?" He asks me in a quiet voice as he calms down.
"Nein", I smile at his silly statement, "Ich bin ein mensch (I am a human)."
"Sie sind ein Jude? (Are you Jewish?)" He asks me as he sits up straight on the bed.
"Nein. Ich glaube, in der Wissenschaft (I believe in science)." I tell him as I cautiously take a seat next to him on the bed, "Bist du jüdisch (are you Jewish)?"
"Nein, Ich bin ein Zigeuner. Bist du Russe? (No, I'm a gypsy. Your name, are you Russian?)"
"Ich wurde in Russland und wuchs in Amerika geboren (I was born in Russia and grew up in America)." I tell him as I give him a small smile.
"Du bist ein Amerikaner?! Werden Sie uns helfen? (You're an American?! Are you going to help us?)" he asks me with a surprised tone.
Shit. I look at him and see him gazing at me as if I'm some savior, his eyes wide with hope. Shit. Shit shit shit.
"Ich weiß es nicht. Ich weiß es wirklich nicht. Ich kam hierher, nur heute. Ich versuche immer noch zu verstehen, was los ist. (I don't know. I really don't. I came here just today. I'm still trying to understand what is going on.)" I say with despair as I bury my face in my hands. 
"Oh. Warten Sie, was meinst du damit Sie gerade hierher gekommen? (Oh. Wait, what do you mean you just came here?)" Erik furrows his brows at me in confusion.
"Sie würden mir nicht glauben , wenn ich Ihnen Kind erzählt. (You wouldn't believe me if I told you kid)." I shake my head with a sigh.
"Ich werde Sie nicht beurteilen (I won't judge you)." 
"Na ja, ich bin eigentlich aus der Zukunft. Ich bin ein Astronaut, fiel ich aus dem Weltraum. (Well, I'm actually from the future. I'm an astronaut, I fell from space)." 
"Nein, du bist nicht. Sie lügen (No you're not. You're lying.)" he scrunches his face at my statement.
"Ja wirklich? Wie ist das für einen Beweis? (Oh really? How's this for proof?)" I smirk at him as I press my helmet button, making my helmet slip onto my face and my suit light up. 
"Nicht zu fassen (Unbelievable)." he gasps with shock as he touches my helmet. 
"Glauben Sie mir jetzt ? (Believe me know?)" I smirk at his expression as I take off my helmet.
Erik gulps as he nods his head, his eyes filled with fascination, "In welchem ​​Jahr sind Sie? (what year are you from?)" 
"Zwei tausend neunzehn (2019)."
"Zwei tausend neunzehn? Lieber Gott, ich denke, Ihre Kleidung macht Sinn, dann (2019? Dear God. I guess your attire  makes sense then)." tells me with a shocked tone as he takes the information in. 
"Warten Sie , was ist ein Astronaut? (Wait, what's an astronaut)? Erik furrows his brows at me in confusion.
Oh Jesus. I forgot I'm in the early 1940s. 
"Nun, ein Astronaut ist ein Wissenschaftler, der in einem Schiff zu Raum geht, und tut es die Wissenschaft Dinge (Well, an astronaut is a scientist that goes to space in a ship, and does science things there)." I try my best to explain to him. 
"Ohhh. Welche Art von Wissenschaft (What kind of science)?" 
Jesus. Jesus science. Argh Jesus Christ! What am I thinking. 
"Es ist kompliziert. Wirklich kompliziert. Es gibt zu viel zu erklären (It's complicated. Really complicated. There's too much to explain)." I tell him while shaking my head as I lean back against the wall and my legs criss crossed. 
"Und deine Familie? Können Sie sie zurück? (And your family? Can you go back to them?)" 
God damn. He is asking too many questions. But it doesn't matter, he's just a kid who's scared of the situation he's in and wants to have a conversation to relieve his stress. 
"Ich habe keine Blutsverwandten . Ich bin eine Waise (I don't have any blood relatives. I'm an orphan)." 
"Oh es tut mir leid. Ich hätte nicht fragen sollen (oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked)." Erik stutters in disappointment as he turns his head away from me in guilt.
"Es ist in Ordnung. I neu nie meine leiblichen Eltern. Ich wurde von einem schönen russischen Paar gefunden und angenommen, mit nichts von Vererbung mit Ausnahme einer Decke und einem Zettel, dass mein Name ist Anastasia Romanov. Sie konnten keine Kinder haben , weshalb sie liebten mich wie ihr einziges Kind. Als ich fice war, zogen wir nach Amerika , sie glaubten es das Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten war. Und sie wollte, dass ich eine bessere Zukunft zu haben. (It's alright. I never knew my birth parents. I was found and adopted by a lovely russian couple, with nothing of inheritance except for a blanket and a note saying my name is Anastasia Romanov. They couldn't have children, which is why they loved me like their only child. When I was 5, we moved to America, they believed it was the land of opportunities. And they wanted me to have a better future.)"
"Wie sind sie jetzt? (How are they now?)" Erik asks, his attention fully focused on me.
Oh god. I clasp my hands together on my lap as my head droops down, my eyes swelling up with tears.
"Nun...sie sind tot (well...they're dead)." I choke back, trying to remain my posture so I don't seem weak. 
"Es tut mir Leid (I'm sorry)." I hear Erik mumble beside me.
"Es ist in Ordnung Erik , wirklich. (It's alright Erik, really)." I tell him as I place my right hand on his shoulder, "Und was ist mit deinen Eltern , wenn Sie nichts dagegen mich nicht zu fragen. Wo sind sie? (And what about your parents, if you don't mind me asking. Where are they?)"
"Ich weiß es nicht (I don't know)", Erik shakes his head slowly as he starts to cry, "Ich weiß es nicht (I don't know)." 
Poor kid.
"Shh. Es ist in Ordnung, komm her (shh. It's alright, come here)", I coo to him as I let him lay his head on my lap, my fingers running through his hair soothingly.
"Sie wird alles gut. Ich werde dich beschützen (They'll be okay. I'll protect you)." I try to reassure him, my eyes wandering off into the distance in a hazy gaze.
A lie. It's a lie. I doubt they'll be okay. But then again, there were some survivors. But I don't even know if I'll survive. I read Erik's mind and see pain. All I see is a fear of the unknown. A fear and dread of the events that might be, the events that have yet to come.

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