Remember Me

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My eyes fly open as I hear the sound of keys dangling. I look up to see a nazi soldier open the barred gates, his cold eyes staring into mine. 
"Aufstehen! (Get up!)" He shouts suddenly.
This abrupt noise startles Erik from his nap, causing him to get his head off my lap in a hasty manner. I don't know what comes over me but some sort of rage causes me to shoot out of my seat. My wings spread in an intimidating manner as I glare back at the soldier, my body taking on a powerful stance. ​​​​​​
"Haben Sie ihn nicht wagen zu berühren (don't you dare touch him)." I growl at him between gritted teeth. 
I swear if he touches Erik, I'll break his neck.
"Halte den Mund, halt den Rand, Halt die Klappe. Sie zwei kommen mit mir (shut up. You two are coming with me)." He spits at me.
"Ich will wissen, warum (I want to know why)." I tell him with a steady tone as I put a protective arm around  Erik.
"Dr. Klaus Schmidt will dich sehen . bekommen jetzt bewegen! (Dr. Klaus Schmidt wants to see you. Now get moving!)" he shouts again as he grabs my arm and shoves me out of the cell.
"Watch it jerk." I growl under my breath at the soldier.
I look towards Erik and extend my hand for him to take, "Komm Erik . Es ist in Ordnung. nur bleiben in der Nähe (Come on Erik. It's okay. Just stay close)." 
I watch as Erik looks at the guard nervously before rushing past him and burying himself into me.
"lass uns gehen (let's go)." The soldier scowls at us as he leads us out of the jail and into an office. The nazi stands behind Erik and I as a man with glasses sits down at his desk in front of us and observes us.
"ausgezeichnet (Magnificent)." He says with his eyes on me.
"Entschuldigen Sie (Excuse me)?" I raise my brow as I cross my arms over my chest.
"Ihre Flügel. Sie sind im Gegensatz zu allen Mutation ich je gesehen habe. Kannst du fliegen?
(Your wings. They're unlike any mutation I've ever seen. Can you fly?)"
" Und warum sollte ich antworten Sie? (And why should I answer you?)" I scowl. 
"Sie haben die Haltung. (You have quite the attitude.)" Schmidt looks at me in amusement. 
"Ich mag es einfach nicht Nazis. (I just don't like Nazis.)"
"Verstehen Sie diese , Erik und Anastasia. (Understand this, Erik and Anastasia.)" 
How does he know my name? My eyes roam over his desk and catch sight of my belongings in the corner: my dog tags, military ID, NASA ID, IPhone, earbuds, solar powered charger for my phone, and my metal astronaut pen. Uggh! They must've picked my pockets while I was knocked out. 
"Diese Nazis , ich mag sie nicht . Die Gene sind der Schlüssel , nicht wahr? Aber ihre Ziele? Blaue Augen? Blondes Haar? Erbärmlich. (These Nazis, I'm not like them. Genes are the key, yes? But their goals? Blue eyes? Blonde hair? Pathetic.)" Dr Schmidt explains to us as he pulls out a chocolate bar and offers it to Erik and I, "Essen Sie die Schokolade. Das ist gut. Möchten Sie einige? (Eat the chocolate. It's good. Want some?)" 
"Ich möchte, dass meine Sachen , die Sie stahlen. (I want my belongings that you stole.)" I tell him.
"Sie können sie später haben. (You can have them later.)" 
"Nein, ich will sie jetzt. (No, I want them now.)" I tell him with sternness in my voice.
"(Alright, fine. There's no use of them anyways)."
I give him one last glare before going towards the desk and grabbing my belongings.
(Author's note: I got lazy with the German. The parenthesis mean they're speaking in German.") 
"(You should smile more darling)." He smirks at me.
"Screw you." I curse between my teeth as I stuff my things in my pockets.
I walk back towards Erik and hold his hand protectively.
"(I want my mama.)" Erik musters up beside me.
"(Genes are the key that unlocks the door to a new age, Erik. A new future for mankind. Evolution. You know what I'm talking about? It's a simple thing I ask of you.)" Shaw tells Erik as he gestures to a small Nazi coin on the desk, "(A little coin is nothing compared to a big gate. Is it?)" 
What is he trying to do?
I watch carefully as Erik reaches his hand out and attempts to move the coin but faiIs.
"I tried, Herr Doctor. I can't... I don't... It's impossible." Erik tells Shaw.
"(Hey! Leave him alone!)" I yell at Shaw as I protectively put an arm around Erik.
"(The one thing I can say for the Nazis is their thehods seem to produce results. I'm sorry, Erik)." Shaw tells him with a click of his tongue.
I snap my head towards the door and see a woman come in followed by two Nazi soldiers. 
She looks at me with slight horror and then turns her gaze towards Erik. 
"Mama!" Erik exclaims out loud as he sees her.
Oh no. What is he planning? 
"(My darling. How are you?) Nein!" Erik's mother comforts him but then gets held back by the soldiers.
I turn my attention towards Shaw, looking into his mind to find his plans as my eyes widen in horror. Oh no, no, no, no. My fists clench in anger as I watch the soldiers hold her back. 
"(Oh for gods sake! At least let her hold him!)" I yell at Shaw.
"(Here's what we're going to do. I'm going to count to three)..." Shaw begins as he opens the drawer and pulls put a gun, "...(and you're going to move the coin. You don't move the coin, I pull the trigger. Understand?)" Shaw tells Erik as he points his gun at Erik's mother. 
"(Stop! Leave her alone!)" I shout at Shaw as I clutch Erik closer to me. 
I look down at Erik and see him reach his hand towards the coin with concentration on his face. 
Come on Erik.
"(Mama.)" Erik says as he looks towards her.
"(You can do it.)" She tells him. 
"(Everything is alright.)" Erik's mother tells him as he concentrates harder. 
Shit. Shit, shit, shit.
"(Alles ist gut. Alles ist gut.)" She tells him again, on the verge of breaking down.
Erik concentrates harder in panic and fails again. 
Right when Shaw says three I jump out in front of Erik's mother and hear a gunshot. I lose my balance as I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen and fall to the floor. 
"Anastasia!" I hear Erik yell as warm liquid spreads across my stomach. 
Another gunshot is heard and I look to see Erik's mother fall down dead. 
"No!" I scream out as I struggle to get myself up. 
No no no. I was supposed to save her. 
I watch as Erik screams in agony and clenches his fist. My eyes widen as I watch him crush the metal around him, killing the soldiers in the room and sending every metal object flying about. My god, he's a mutant. Erik calms down with his powers and breaks down crying. Shaw walks toward Erik and puts his arm around him. 
"(Don't touch him you bastard!)" I shout at Shaw. 
Shaw gives me a dirty look before turning back towards Erik. 
"(Outstanding, Erik. So we unlock your gift with anger. Anger and pain. You and me... we're going to have a lot of fun together.)" He tells him as he puts the Nazi coin in his hand and starts to walk out. 
"(You. You are coming with me.)" Shaw tells me as he gestures to the soldiers to pick me up. 
"Anastasia!" Erik cries out as he sees me getting pulled away by the soldiers. 
"(Erik! Keep this!)" I tell him as I toss him my pen. 
"(Be good. Remember me.)" I give him a smile before I'm dragged out and lose sight of Erik. 
I'm going to die. And there's nothing I can do about it. 
"(Curse you.)" I tell Shaw as I spit at his face.
"(Toss her in the river. She's no use to us.)" Shaw tells the soldiers as he wipes his face. 
I give him a sinister smile as the soldiers drag me out of the building, and out of the camp. My vision starts to get blurry and my body weakens. I look around me and the scenery changes to that of woods. We come to a stop and I figure we've reached the river. 
"Go to hell." I tell the soldiers with my last breath as they toss me in the river. I let out a sigh as the cold water envelopes my numb body, shutting me out from the rest of the world.

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