Dead Space

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(Anastasia is having flashbacks of what happened and is retelling them to Peggy. The character is from the future. Its a bit further from our current time so the astronaut suit looks like that.)

"Commander Romanov, come in. Do you hear me?"
"Yeah I hear you Kate. What's the issue?" I say into my earpiece, looking out the window and taking in the magnificent view of earth before me.
"Well nothing's the issue ma'am. Just wanted to inform you that we're about to have lunch right now."
"Alright. I'll be there in a minute." I say as I let out a sigh and smile at the view, before grabbing onto a metal bar on the wall and pulling myself across my room. I float out my door and move across to the main room where some of the other astronauts were.
"Heyyy here's our superwoman!" I hear Richard yell across the room.
"Jesus! Don't yell! I still have my ear piece on." I cringe as I turn it off.
"Sorry ma'am." Richard tells me as he catches the floating ball of water in his mouth.
"Superwoman or Ms. Captain America?" I hear Chris then say as I roll my eyes with a small smile.
"Can someone hand me the veggie burger and neapolitan ice cream please." I ask as I float over to the music player.
I stop myself by the music player and play Frank Sinatra, smiling to myself as I hear the tune begin to play.
"Wow, seriously commander?" I hear Kate smirk at me.
"What? It perfectly fits the mood of our situation." I grin at her as I begin singing along, "fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars. Let me see what spring is like on a Jupiter and Mars. In other words, hold my hand!" I sing as I float over to Kate.
"In other words, baby kiss me!" I sing this line as I grab her face and kiss her on the cheek.
"Ahhh! Oh gross!" She squeals, her blue eyes lighting up with laughter.
"Well at least we don't have to hear Kate sing." Richard smirks.
"Shut up Richard." Kate rolls her eyes at him.
"Heyy. Watch your mouth. Play nice." I scold them with my arms across my chest.
"Here you go ma'am." I hear Chris say to me as he throws my packets of food at me.
I reach my hands out in front of me and wait as the packets float across to me.
"Use the force commander!" Richard yells at me in his Obi Wan Kenobi impression.
"Shut up Richard." I roll my eyes at him with a grin.
"Oooh! Hypocrite!" Cris points his finger at me.
"Really? Is that how you treat your superior officer?" I raise my eyebrow at him as I finally catch the packets.
"No ma'am. Sorry ma'am. I won't do it again." Chris apologizes at me.
"Okay. Apology accepted. You better not do it again."
I strap myself down to a seat to keep myself from moving away and open up the veggie burger packet. I take out the dried burger and look at it in slight disgust.
"It looks like constipation. I haven't had good food in days." I mutter in slight disappointment as I eat the burger and then move on to the dried ice cream.
I feel a small shake in the space station and stop eating, my senses paying attentively to my surroundings.
"Did you feel that?" I ask aloud while staying still.
"Feel what? There's no-"
"Shhh." I cut Chris off with my finger to my lips.
We all stay in our seats and listen to the silence of space.
My eyes widen as I hear a whooshing sound and suddenly feel the station let out a violent shake. I hear the alarm go off and I quickly let go of my food as I unstrap myself out of my seat. I push myself off my seat and float towards the computer screen. I press my fingers against the touch screen and click on the diagram of the station.
"What is it?" I hear Kate ask beside me.
"I don't know. It's some sort of energy blast. It's rupturing the station." I tell them, not believing what I saw. This is unlike everything I've ever seen.
"What the hell?" I hear Richard say in shock.
"We need to evacuate." I tell them as I try to stay as calm as possible, "go to the shuttle, double time, come on."
I wait for them to start heading towards the shuttle as I grab all the important equipment.
"Ma'am. What are you doing?!" I hear Richard panic.
"All of you go to the shuttle! I'm right behind you!" I shout at them.
My heart beat was beginning to race and sweat started to bead at my forehead. Dear god help us.
Another energy blast violently shakes the station and causes me to knock my head against the wall. Blood drips down my face and I feel another shake, this time it blasts a hole into the compartment. My eyes widen in horror as I see equipment getting sucked into space from the damage. I press my button near my collar for the helmet to cover my head but it refuses to operate. My heart drops to my stomach as I hold my breath and grab a bar next to the exit, struggling to push myself towards the corridor the other astronauts were in. Right when I'm about to go in, the door shuts close to preserve the oxygen in the undamaged compartment, separating me from everyone else. No, it's too late.
"Commander!" I hear them shout at me through the window of the doors, their faces distorted into horror as they try to pry open the doors.
I bang my fist against the window to grab their attention and shake my head at them, signaling them to stop. "Commander." Kate whimpers, her eyes covered in tears as she looks at me.
"Go!" I yell at them with some of my remaining breath.
I watch them look at me for the last time in sadness as they float away towards the shuttle. I blink my eyes as my vision gets blurry, my head spinning in pain. I'm dying. This is it. I feel my blood turn cold as my fingers slip off the bar, my body getting sucked out into the massive vastness of space.

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