Fallen Out Of Time

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I slowly open my eyes and look around at nothing but blurriness. What happened? Last thing I remember, I was...dear God. I was dying. My eyes widen in shock as I suddenly regain my vision. My heart stops in my chest as I notice that I'm still alive. I'm alive, floating, in space, without my helmet on. Jesus christ, I'm breathing, in space. 
"Holy mother of macrons." I gasp in disbelief.
Looking around once more, I notice that the space station has disappeared and I'm still floating beside earth. What the hell is going on? Where is the space station? No no no, wait. I'm supposed to be dead. I'm outside the earth's atmosphere and I'm breathing.
"I'm dead. Haha. I'm dead. Just Great! I'm dead and I'm in some screwed up heaven!" I laugh sarcastically to myself. 
Wait a minute. That's it! I'm in a dream. I am currently sleeping in my marshmallow soft bed in Florida with my cat Einstein sleeping on my stomach. 
"It's all just a dream," I say to myself but then let out a growl, "Uggh! But it feels so real!" 
Okay. Maybe the pinch method should work. I pinch myself hard on my left arm only to grit my teeth and groan again. It's not working. Maybe a punch should work, a really hard punch in the gut. I ball up my right fist and close my eyes to brace myself for the impact. God, please work. Okay, 1...2...3 mmphh! Okay bad idea, my suit isn't that soft. I let out a groan in pain and hold my stomach as my hand throbs. Ow that hurts! Taking in a deep breath, I open my eyes to find out that I'm still here and let out a cry of agony. Oh God. This is real. I need to get out of here. Perhaps, I can try to shift my weight towards Earth and let the gravity pull me in. The heat from the atmosphere shouldn't burn me up, I mean come on, I'm breathing in freakin space! But maybe I should try to see if my helmet works, just in case. I press the button near my collar and my helmet finally covers my head. Oh just fricken great! Now you decide to work.
(Okay. Imagine the helmet slipping on her head like Iron Man's.)
Okay, lets do it. Calm your mind. I close my eyes while taking a deep breath, focusing on going towards earth. I feel my body suddenly shoot foreword and I let out a yelp. Okay I have dealt with this g-force in the shuttle, except, I'm not in a shuttle right now! Opening my eyes slowly, I notice myself heading head first to the Earth's atmosphere and shut my eyes from the g-force of my body rocketing through Earth's atmosphere.  Fire begins to envelop around me and I let out a scream from the burning sensation. This was a bad idea! My screams suddenly get muffled as I come into contact with a cold and rough substance. I let out a groan and push myself onto my knees, looking down at the dirt beneath my hands. Where am I? I can't see. Theres dirt all over my helmet. I raise my hands and wipe the dirt of my helmet, enough for me to see. My eyes glance at my hands and I gasp in slight horror. My hands were covered in ash, in fact my whole suit was covered in ash, but not one single burn. What the?! THIS suit should've burned at least. I'm too tired for this. I think too much. Okay, now I need to figure out where I am. I press the button again for my helmet to get off my head. I look around and furrow my brows in concentration. I was in a crater, a crater that I created from the impact. I stand up onto my feet and thank god that the crater isn't too high. I notice fences as well as dull gray buildings around me. Am I in a military base? Looking behind me, my expression turns to guilt as I notice a line of fire on the snow caused from the impact as well. I hear soft voices in another language and look around frantically. 
"Hello?" I call out, my voice spreading through the area. 
There's no one here. But these voices, where are they coming from? Why do I keep hearing multiple voices all at once? There's thousands of them, in my head. Oh god, I must be loosing my mind. I'm just seeing things. I never fell from Space, it's all just in my head. But it feels so real. These voices, a lot of them are screaming, in pain and extreme agony. What in the world is going on?! They won't get out of my head!
"Stop." I say between gritted teeth as I clamp my hands over my ears, "get out of my head!" 
The voices die down and now the crunching of snow under footsteps, and shouts reach my ears. The voices in my head, they're gone. The footsteps and shouts get louder, coming from different directions around me. I raise my head and look around. 5 men dressed like soldiers surround me as they point their rifles down at me, their eyes filled with disbelief at the scene before them. 
"Listen. I mean no harm." I tell them as I raise my hands in surrender.
"Nicht bewegen (don't move)!" the one directly in front of me shouts in a foreign language I try to detect.
(Listen, I'm sorry if the German is messed up, I don't speak German and I used google translate.)
"Listen, I'm an American. I am an astronaut from NASA. I mean no harm." I say I step towards the leader.
The soldiers' eyes widen as they step a foot back, staring at me in horror, causing me to raise an eyebrow at them. Why are they looking at me like that? Wait a minute, they were speaking German. I roam my eyes quickly over their uniform, observing all the details. Now it was my turn to widen my eyes in horror. Holy shit.

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