The World Isn't Ready to See You Yet

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Steve's Transformation Scene
"He's really going to do this huh?" I ask Howard as he sets up the equipment.
"Yes he is."
"Well, he's going to be great." I say to myself more than Howard.
I try not to tell people their future and even the future of the ones around them. I'm afraid it might change the future. But sometimes I wonder if my presence here alone would alter the timeline. I think in depth as my fingers play with the chain of my dog tags, hidden underneath the blouse of my uniform.
"Ah, there he is." Howard snaps me out of my thoughts, "my god, he's tiny."
"Hey, you're sure about this Steve?" I ask him with concern once he reaches Howard and I.
"Yeah. I'll be fine."
Of course you'll be fine. I read about it.
(ok so quick note. Anastasia disappeared, or died, a month before Cap was received from the ice. So she doesn't know he's survived.)
"Well, best of luck kid." I give him a smile.
"Thank you ma'am."
I stand off to the side with Peggy and watch Steve lay down inside the capsule as the assistants strap him down.
"Come on, we should probably go to the back with the others." I tell Peggy as I put my hand on her back and take her upstairs to the room. 
My body presses itself against the wall and my arms fold across my chest as I watch Dr. Erskine speak into a microphone while having Steve being prepared. 
"Ladies and gentlemen, today we take not another step towards annihilation, but the first step on the path to peace. We begin with a series of micro injections into the subjects major muscle groups. The serum infusion will cause immediate cellular change. And then to stimulate growth, the subject will be saturated with vita rays." 
My god that sounds painful. You know, I'm actually glad I got shot in Auschwitz. If they didn't assume I was dead, they would've experimented on me. But Erik. I need to find him. And I'm not that strong yet with my telepathic powers. I can't reach him. 
I purse my lips and hold my breath as I see them turn on the machine, emitting a bright light from inside the capsule. 
Steve let's out a scream from inside the capsule as he received the vita rays, causing about a bustle in the room.
A gasp escapes my throat as I watch Steve in vain. 
No, I can't do anything. He has to do this. 
"Steven!" Erskine shouts out. 
"Shut it down!" I hear Peggy shout as she runs out the room. 
Don't do anything.
"Kill the reactor, Mr. Stark! Kill the reactor!" 
"No! Don't! I can do this!" Steve yells from inside the capsule.
My god, he's got guts. Even I don't have that much courage. 
The machine powers off a few seconds later, causing me to rush out the room and go downstairs towards the capsule. 
The capsule opens up, revealing a much more...bigger Steve. 
"Hot damn." I whisper in shock.
A bunch of shocked gasps and mutters are heard among the audience as Steve steps out. 
"How do you feel?" Peggy asks him while being a bit flustered.
"Taller." Steve answers as he tries to adjust to the fact that he got bigger. 
"Well you definitely are taller. Looks like I can't call you kid anymore." I smirk in amusement, making Steve chuckle. 
The sound of a bomb goes off and and I look behind me to see fire from the top room. Shards of glass shoot out from the explosion, causing one to fly towards my face as I quickly catch it in mid air. A gunshut and screams are then heard as I see Dr. Erskine getting shot by a man. 
No! I try to run towards the man to catch him but get stopped by Peggy.
"What are you doing?" I yell at her with a crazy look. 
"The world isn't ready to see you yet." 
"The world can kiss my ass!" I growl as I push Peggy away.
"No! Don't! Please, just don't do anything!" Peggy tells me before running after him. 
Great. Why am I listening? Why? I should be helping! But then again, I can't mess up the timeline. 
(Forgive me if I mess up on anything, I haven't watched this movie in a long time.)
"I think you got enough." Steve refers to the blood samples being taken from him. 
"Any hope of reproducing a programme is locked in your genetic code. But without Dr. Erskine it will take years." Peggy replies.
"He deserved more than this." Steve mutters in disappointment. 
He was still sad from Dr. Erskine's death. 
"Well, if it could only work once, he'd be proud it was you." I give Steve a smile, "Hydra is the Nazi deep science division. It's led by Johann Schmidt. But he has much bigger ambitions."
"Hydra's practically a cult. They worship Schmidt, they think he's invincible." Col. Phillips announces.
"So what are you gonna do about it?" Senator Brandt asks him. 
"We are taking the fight to Hydra. Pack your bags Agent Carter. You too, Stark and Romanov. You're flying to London tonight." 
Wait what?
"Now go away." Col. Phillips waves us off. 
Great, I guess I'm going to London.

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