Chin Up

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Over the past half month, I have gotten to know Steve better, including Howard and Peggy. I was basically best friends with them. I tried finding Erik but I had no luck, god knows how he is. Plus, its not easy trying to hide my mutations. I've learned how to use my telepathic powers but have had no luck making my wings disappear. If needed, I just use my telepathic powers to make people oblivious to my wings. But I still had to cut holes on the back my dresses for them. But for now, I just wear a coat to cover my wings. My life is a hassle. And now here I am, running around like a clown with two bags of popcorn in my hands, trying to find Steve who just happened to disappear from the theatre when I went to get popcorn.
My god, where is he? The alley, he's probably in the alley.
I run to the exit of the cinema and step out to see Steve in a fighting stance against another guy.
Not again.
"I can do this all day." Steve breathes out as he swings a punch at the guy only to be knocked down.
The bully tries to punch him again causing me to drop the popcorn rushing to Steve's side, catching the bully's fist in mid air. 
"Hey! Stop it!" I yell as I push him away.
"Watch it lady!" He scowls at me as he tries to push me away to get to Steve. 
"Hey! Pick on someone your own size!" I hear someone yell as I watch the bully being pulled away and punched by a man in an army uniform. 
"Steve." I blurt out as I turn around to make sure he's okay, "you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." 
"You alright ma'am?" I hear someone ask behind me. 
"I'm fine, thank you." I thank the man once I turn around.
"Sometimes, I think you like getting punched." He tells Steve as he helps him up.
"I had him on the ropes."  
"No you didn't, what if I wasn't here to save you huh? What if he wasn't here to save you? You would've been turned to pulp." I complain at Steve as I dust him off. 
"How many times is this?" 
I turn towards the army dude and see him reading off a paper that I also catch a glance at.
"Oh, you're from Paramus now? You know it's illegal to lie on the enlistment form. And seriously, Jersey?" 
"Really Steve? Why didn't you tell me about this? What if you get caught and end up in jail?" My arms cross over my chest as I scold him.
"She's right you know. And you must be Anastasia." The army guy tells me as he extends his hand. 
"Yes, and your Bucky." I shake his hand with a smile.
"Oh, how'd you know?" 
I forgot your name so I read your mind.
"Steve's told me a lot about you." I answer.
He really wouldn't shut up about you. You better not be a dick. 
"Steve's told me a lot about you too. You know, I thought it was bullshit when he mentioned he knows a girl. And must I say, you are much more beautiful in person." Bucky smirks at me.
You smell that? That's the smell of a fuck boy.
I laugh awkwardly with a strained smile as I take a step back.
Where's the panic button when I need it?
"Did you get your orders?" Steve clears his throat to end the awkward silence.
Oh thank you sweet baby Jesus. Steve, I'm buying you ice cream.
"The one-o-seventh. Sergeant James Barnes. Shipping out for England first thing tomorrow." Bucky returns his attention to Steve.
"I should be going."
"Come on, man! It's my last night. Gotta get you cleaned up." Bucky tells him as they start walking, with me next to Steve.
"Why? Where are we going?" 
"The future." Bucky answers as he hands him a newspaper. 
That's right. Howard invited me to the World Expo. 
"You coming doll?" Bucky asks me.
"As a matter of fact, I am. I'm kinda invited. But I'm going to change first. I have butter all over my dress from the popcorn. And I might as well dress in something warmer." I tell him.
"You need us to pick you up?" Steve asks me.
"Nah, its alright. I'll take a taxi." I tell them as I start walking in my direction, "Oh and Steve, you owe me popcorn." 
"Sure thing ma'am." 
At the expo
I stand by a light pole as I search for Steve, finally finding him walking with Bucky. A smirk forms on my lips as I creep up behind Steve, careful not to make any noise. 
"Boo!" I shout in Steve's ear the same time I grab his shoulders, causing him to jump.
"Jesus Anastasia." Steve gasps. 
"Oh that was funny. You should have seen your face." I laugh at him as I shove my hands in my pockets.
"No it wasn't." Steve grumbles before finally looking at me, "wow, you look-"
"Gorgeous." Bucky blurts out while stopping to look at me.
"Same thing." Steve tells me.
"Well thank you. Oh, those must be your dates behind you. They're coming this way." 
The two men turn around to see two girls walking towards them calling Bucky's name.
"Girls, this is Anastasia. Anastasia, this is Bonnie and Connie" Bucky introduces us.
What a coincidince. Their names rhyme. 
"Bucky, let's go see Stark. It's starting!" Connie grins as she takes his arm and drags him towards the stage. 
What a fuckboy. I shake my head with a smile as I follow them. 
Man, I could really have a churro right now.
"Ladies and gentleman!" Howard adresses the crowd, "now, before I begin, I'd like to find a dear friend of mine whom I invited to this event today. Hopefully she's here." 
Howard you asshole. 
"Ahh there you are Anastasia, my girl. You look stunning!" Howard grins as the light shines on me, making everyone turn to stare at me.
Oh feces. Oh boy do I wish I can flip you the bird. 
I throw icy daggers at Howard, making him laugh and grin.
"Thanks for coming my doll!" He says as the lights shine back on him. 
I am going to shove my foot up his ass. 
"I am not your doll." I mutter.
"You're with Howard Stark?!" Bucky and Steve exclaim to me at the same time. 
"No. I'm not. Now watch the show." I say with annoyance. 
"Now, where was I? Oh yes, what if I told you that in just a few short years, your automobile won't even have to touch the ground at all." Howard announces as the women on stage take the wheels off the car. 
"With Stark robotic reversion technology, you'll be able to do just that." 
I shove my hand into Steve's bag of peanuts and eat them as I watch the show, earning a disapproved look from Steve. 
My mouth drops in shock once I see Howard's car start to hover in the air making the audience gasp.
Holy shit. 
The car starts to shake before dropping to the ground malfunctioning, resulting in an embarrassed Howard. 
"I did say a few years, didn't I?"
"You know Howard Stark?" Bucky turns to me. 
"Yeah so?" 
"Well why didn't you tell us?" Steve asks me while shoving his hands in his jacket pockets. 
"Because it's not important. What, you two obsessed with him or something?" 
"No." They both say together, feeling taken back from my question. 
"Well then let's go, there's still a lot to see." I urge them as I start walking around. 
"Well guys, its getting late." I say as I stop walking.
"You're leaving already?" Bucky asks me in disappointment. 
"Yes. I have to leave for my job first thing in the morning tomorrow." 
"Where you going?" Steve asks me. 
"Away. I don't know how long I'll be gone." 
"Oh." Steve mumbles in disappointment.
I knew he how he felt. Both of the people he know and is close with are leaving. 
"Hey, chin up kid, you'll be fine. You know what? Why don't you try out the recruiting station here?" I reassure him with my hand on his shoulder. 
I give both of the guys a hug and say my goodbyes before walking away and heading home to prepare for the day tommorrow. And hopefully kick Howard's ass.

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