Why Does it Hurt?

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"There he is." I tell Peggy as I walk towards Steve while struggling to shield myself from the rain.
"Didn't know you can draw Rogers." I say once I see what he was scribbling on the pad. 
"Anastasia? What are you doin' here?" Steve asks with surprise once he sees me. 
"Officially we're not here at all." Peggy speaks up as she stands next to me, "That was quite a performance."
"Yeah. Uh...I had to improvise a little bit. Crowds I'm used to are usually more uh..."
I can't believe they're putting him through this. It's offensive and ridiculous. 
"But I understand you're American's new hope?" 
"Bond sales take a ten percent bump in every state I visit." Steve tells Peggy. 
"Is that Senator Brandt I hear?"
"At least he's got me doin' this. Phillips would have had be stuck in lab."
"Really Rogers? And these are your only two options? A lab rat or a dancing monkey?" I scoff.
"You were meant for more than this, you know?" Peggy tells him as Steve hesitates, "What?"
"You know for the longest time I dreamed about coming overseas and be on the front lines. Serving my country. I finally get everything I wanted, and I'm wearing tights." Steve tells us with disappointment hidden in his voice.
I give Steve a small smile and place my hand on his shoulder, "you'll be a great hero one day, you that?" 
"Schmidt sent out a force to Rosano. Two hundred men went up against him and less than fifty returned. Your audience contained what was left of the 107th. The rest were killed or captured." Peggy explains to him. 
"The 107th?" Steve suddenly lifts his head up. 
"What?" Peggy asks in concern. 
"Bucky." I mumble once I realized why Steve was concerned.
In col. Phillips tent.
"Colonel Phillips?" Steve addresses him as he steps up to his tent. 
"Well, if it isn't the star spangled man with a plan. And what is your plan today?" Col. Phillips grumbles as he pays no genuine interest.
"I need the casualty list for Rosano."
"You don't get to give me orders, son." Col. Phillips snaps at Steve while Peggy and I linger in the back.
Oh come on, just help him. 
Control him. I hear a voice in the back of my head say.
What? Lol, I can't just use the Jedi mind trick. I don't even know how. I can cast small illusions, but I can't control someone's actions. 
"I just need one name. Sergeant James Barnes from the hundred and seventh." 
I gulp as Phillips points to me and Peggy, "You two and I are gonna have a conversation later that you won't enjoy."
Oh great, I'm going to get lectured. 
"Please tell me if he's alive, sir. B-A-R..." Steve pleads but gets cut off by Phillips.
"I can spell" Phillips growls in irritation, "I have signed more of these condolence letters today than I would care to count. But the name does sound familiar. I'm sorry."
But he's alive. Right now. 
"What about the others? Are you planning a rescue mission?"
"Yeah! It's called winning the war."
"But if you know where they are, why not at least...?" Steve urges on. 
He's not going to give up. 
"They're thirty miles behind the lines. Through the most heavily fortified territory in Europe. We'd lose more men than we'd save. But I don't expect you to understand that, because you're a chorus girl."
Oh god, this is so awkward. If I could have any power right now, I'd want teleportation. That way I could teleport out of this mess.
"I think I understand just fine."
"Well then understand it somewhere else. If I read the posters correctly, you got some place to be in thirty minutes." Phillips snaps as he gets up and walks out of the tent, leaving me, Peggy, and Steve in silence.
"Well that was harsh." I say with an awkward chuckle.
I raise my brow as I see Steve walk up to the military map.
"What are you doing?" I ask Steve as I fold my arms across my chest, "What do you plan to do? Walk to Austria?"
"If that's what it takes."
"You heard the Colonel, your friend is most likely dead." Peggy speaks up, trying to pull Steve out of this.
"No he's not." I blurt out.
Oh shit. 
"Oh really? And how do you know that?" Peggy asks me as both her and Steve give me suspicious looks. 
"Just a gut feeling. I mean, I really don't know...for sure." I try to correct myself. 
"Well even so, he's devising a strategy to take." Peggy tells Steve.
"By the time he's done that, it could be too late! You told me you thought I was meant for more than this. Did you mean that?" Steve looks at Peggy with desperation.
Peggy purses her lips and looks at me, a pleading look in her eyes.
"Don't look at me. This was all you." I tell her as I throw my hands up.
"Every word. I meant every word." Peggy tells him once she looks back at him with a look that could only explain one thing. 
Love. My god, she loves him. I lower my head and turn away from them as an unknown feeling washes over me. Did my heart just drop?
"Then you gotta let me go." Steve begs her. 
"I can do more than that."
"You have to let me help." I tell Peggy once we reach our tent. 
"I can't. I'm sorry but I can't make you a cassualty." Peggy refuses to my aid before sitting down on her bed. 
"You can't just keep me locked up! I deserve to be out there! It's not like I've never been in the military."
"This is different! What if hydra catches you! What then? Last time I remember you almost died and Howard and I had to keep you alive!" She argues with me as she runs her hand through her hair. 
"Yeah but I'm fine now! I've learned to control my abilities...at least most of it." I try to reason with her. 
"Most of it. I'm sorry but no. And that's final." Peggy snaps at me before walking out of the tent. 
God you're stubborn Peggy. No, I can't sit here. I am not going to sit here doing paperwork while they fight. I joined the Navy to serve this country, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. 
I go towards my bed and pull out a box from underneath before setting it on my bed. I open the box and pull out my suit, holding it before me as I make the craziest plan in my head.
(The picture above is how her suit looks. The only difference is she doesn't have a shield, and instead of a star on her chest, it's an eagle." 
I take in a deep breath before setting foot outside my tent. Okay, time to put my wings to good use. 
In Austria
My hand rests on my belt as I hide myself against a tree while watching the hydra soldiers run about in the base out front. 
Frick Steve, where are you?
Footsteps are heard behind me causing me to turn around to see Steve in the distance running this way. 
"There you are." I say as Steve walks by me, unaware of the fact that I'm standing right behind him. 
Steve jumps at my voice and spins around to hit me with his shield. I catch his shield with my right hand just inches from my face, throwing him a raised brow.
"Really? Trying to kill me already?" I scoff as I let go of his shield, causing him to lower it back down to his side.
"You...what're you doin...you're a...you have..." Steve jumbles for words as he stares at my wings in complete shock.
"I'm a person? A human being, at least an utterly strange one." I roll my eyes with sarcasm as Steve stands in front of me dumbfounded. 
"Are you..an experiment?" 
"No. I just happened to wake up one day and poof! I have wings." I explain to him with exaggerated hand motions. 
"Are there any other secrets you wish to tell me?" Steve clenches his jaw while crossing his arms over his chest in a stubborn manner. 
"What're you talking about?" I furrow my brows at him with a slight scowl.
"Well you know. You didn't tell me about you being in the navy, having a thing with Stark, and having wings! Now I know why you wear coats all the time." 
"Hey, Howard and I DO NOT have a thing. He's a weirdo and a complete fuckboy." I point my finger at him, hoping to make my statement firm, "plus, I didn't tell you about this because I wasn't supposed to." 
"I don't know, why don't you ask the authorities?"
"Never mind." Steve sighs with a shake of his head, "...where'd you get the suit?" 
"Howard had it made." 
"I need one." I hear Steve mumble to himself. 
"Ask Howard. Now, come on. Don't we have soldiers to save?" 
Time skip bitches
"Explain this!" Someone yells at me as they slam a newspaper down on my desk.
I lift my head from my paperwork and look up to see Peggy glaring down at me.
"Well go on, look at it!" 
My throat clenches up as I look at the front page to see a picture of me, Steve, and the soldiers we rescued. 
"Lady Justice and Captain America rescue prisoners of war." Peggy scoffs as she reads out the title, "What were you thinking?!" 
"Hey, I didnt come up with that name alright. I couldn't just sit here and do paperwork while they were out fighting!" I complain as I set my pen down in frustration. 
"But you snuck out behind my back and went against my words! You could've died! And now the whole world knows about you!" 
"Oh my god you sound like Molly Weasley." I grumble as I rub my temples. 
"Never mind"
"And you have a suit?!" 
"Howard had it made for me" 
"Oh, I'm going to give him a talk. He's really going to have it." Peggy scowls as she crosses her arms. 
"It's not his fault." I groan as I throw my head back. 
"Yes it is! I bet he encouraged you." 
"He didnt." 
I slump down in my chair and manspread while staring at Peggy with a serious expression, earning myself a sigh and a roll of eyes from her. 
"Oh for goodness sake, close your legs Anya." 
I prop my feet up on the table causing Peggy's eyes to widen.
"Anya! Close your legs! What if someone sees!?" Peggy hisses at me while trying to block me from view. 
"I'm wearing stockings." 
"That is no excuse! Close your legs!" 
"Nope! Not until you forgive me." 
"Alright alright! I forgive you! I just wanted you to be safe." 
"Well guess what? I am safe. You have nothing to worry about." I smirk. 
"...get dressed." Peggy sighs in defeat before smiling at me.
"Why?" I raise my brow at her as I put my feet back down.
"I'm taking you out for dinner, so dress nice."
"But I don't really have anything nice to wear."
"Well that's perfect, because I bought you a dress." 
"When are we leaving? I am getting really uncomfortable of these stares. What, they've never seen a female before?" I grit my teeth in irritation while whispering to Peggy as the men around us stop what they're doing to stare.
"Well they first stared at you because of your wings and now they're staring because we're wearing dresses." 
Men. My god.
"There he is." Peggy tells me making me catch sight of Steve and Bucky.
"Captain." She addresses Steve by the doorway once both men see us.
"Agent Carter, Commander Romanov." Steve addresses us both while eyeing us.
"Evening Rogers." I smile at Steve making him smile back.
"Evening ma'am." Bucky smiles slightly at me while taking my appearance in, in a swift move. 
"Barnes." I blush slightly at his gesture before turning my attention back on Steve and Peggy.
"Howard has some things for you to try." Peggy informs him. 
"Sounds good."
I clear my throat and shift my weight on my feet uncomfortably as I catch Bucky still staring at me from my peripheral vision.
"I see your top squad is prepping for duty." I tell Steve awkwardly to break the silence that was starting to settle in. 
Great, he's ignoring me. He's too busy having googly eyes for Peg. Not that I should care. 
"You don't like music?" Bucky asks Peggy, obviously admiring her appearance.
"I do actually. I might, even when this is all over, go dancing." Peggy answers while keeping eye contact with Steve. 
Wow, she's ignoring him too. We're both getting erased of our existence. 
"Then what are we waiting for?" 
"The right partner." 
Jesus Christ. Someone bring flowers to shower on these mofos. 
"So, where are you two heading?" Steve asks us.
"Romanov and I are going to have dinner." 
"Mind if we tag along?" Bucky smirks.
"Actually nooo," I answer with exaggerated sweetness as I link my left arm with Peg's, "You see, Peggy owes me food. Plus, it's a girls night out." 
"What's that?" Steve asks in confusion, both men having a cluecless expression on their face.
"It means no men allowed." I smile sarcastically. 
"Well at least let me have one dance." I hear Bucky tell me, causing me to look at him with a raised brow. 
"I can't."
"Just go." I hear Peggy whisper in my ear.
"But I'm hungry." I complain once I face her.
"I'll buy you extra dessert." 
"...fine" I huff in defeat, "alright Barney, let's go spin in circles like idiots." 
"You're strange, you know that?" Bucky gives me an amused smile while offering his arm. 
"Shut up." I roll my eyes at him as I feel heat rise up to my cheeks. 
Bucky leads me to the music with a grin on his face as the pianist starts to play a slow melody. 
Oh lord. Out of all the songs to play, you had to play something slow. My uncomfortablness now intensifies. 
"Huh, I actually like this song." I state once I recognize the tune of "Dream a Little Dream of Me."
"Well then, I guess we'll both enjoy this dance." Bucky smirks at me as he slips his arms around my waist, making my face burn with embarrassment as I place my hands on his shoulder. 
(I swear this niggah is always smirking whenever I see him in captain america. Rolling my mother frickin eyes.) 
"Oh yeah? Well don't be so cocky pretty boy. You better pray I done step on your feet."
God I hate this. I hate being short, I think to myself with a scowl. 
"So you think I'm pretty?" Bucky gives me a smug look from my statement. 
"Yeah, pretty ugly." I scoff with a proud smirk on my face for my comeback.
"You really are strange." 
"Shut up, jerk face. Though I hate to admit, you're not that bad." 
"Oh so I'm still bad." He chuckles at me, causing me to laugh along. 
"Yup, you suck." I grin.
"Well doll, it's nice to know you don't completely hate me." Bucky gazes at me as his grin fades away and his expression turns into something different. 
"What? Is there something on my face?" I ask him with concern. 
"No, no. You look beautiful actually." 
I feel my face heat up as Bucky smiles at me softly before slowly leaning in. 
Oh heavens no. I've never kissed anyone. 
Smack himStraight across his stupid pretty boy face.
No, that's evil. 
I feel my breath get stuck in my throat as Bucky places a soft feathery kiss on my lips, making me stand frozen in shock. 
Great, you missed your chance to slap him. Happy?

"Why'd you do that?" I breathe out with wide eyes. 
"Because, you're different from those other dames. Plus, now you can go back to your time bragging about how you kissed a handsome soldier from the war." Bucky looks at me with a smug expression, "You're not going to slap me are you?" He gives me a smirk. 
(Okay so Bucky knows about her because of Steve, since Anya explained everything to him. But it's still a bit hard for them to wrap their minds around it.)
"For the record, I can't travel through time. Believe me, I've tried." I smirk at him with a laugh escaping my lips. 
"And if you keep that smug expression on your face, I won't hesitate to slap you across your face." I joke as I slap his arm. 
"Sure you will. Now come on, I should bring you back to Carter. Don't want to keep you away from your dinner." 
"Well, a way to a woman's heart is through her stomach." I laugh with Bucky as we make our way back.
My smile fades away as I look ahead to see Steve and Peggy softly laughing with each other, the same look of affection hidden in their eyes as they enjoy each others company.
I dont need to be a mind reader to know they love each other. But why does it hurt me to see this? Then again, why do I give a damn?

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