He Made It

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(Anastasia's uniform is the one on the left. The colors are the exact same to the dress blues we have now.)

"How do you think the new recruits are?" I ask Peggy as we walk through the base.
"Hopefully they're not pathetic." She sighs.
"Are you alright?" Peggy asks me once she catches me adjusting my uniform with an uncomfortable look on my face.
"Well if having the incapability to breathe is fine then yes, I am just peachy." I force a smile onto my face.
"It's your wings isn't it?" A concerned look spreads on her features.
"Yes. But I managed to make them smaller. Its just a bit uncomfortable that's all. I'm so used to loose coats. I don't look like the hunchback of Notre Dame do I?" I ask as I show her my back.
"What's that?"
"Just, are my wings protruding?"
"No. You're fine. Why don't you wear any makeup by the way?"
"Because I don't."
"Stop walking."
"What why?" I give her a confused look as I stop in my tracks.
"You are going to wear makeup. I don't know if your generation defies makeup but you are going to, it's a tradition here." Peggy scolds me as she fishes in her pocket to pull out red lipstick.
"You'd be surprised at how much makeup some girls wear in my time." I scoff.
"Stop talking."
I let out a huff and furrow my brows as Peggy applies her lipstick on my lips.
"Now mascara."
"Really?" I complain.
"Open your eyes."
"Hey, don't stab my eyes alright?"
"Trust me, I won't." She tells with a look of concentration, "there, all done. Now you're dolled up."
"Gee thanks." I roll my eyes as I start walking with her towards the squad of men.
"Recruits, attention. Gentlemen, I'm Agent Carter. I will be supervising all operations of this division along with Agent Romanov, commander of the U.S. Navy."
"Gentleman." I nod my head in greeting as I stand in the middle in front of them.
My eyes scan over the men and stop as I catch sight of Steve.
Huh, he actually made it didn't he.
I cock my eyebrow and throw Steve a quick smile as he looks at me in surprise.
"What's with the accent, Queen Victoria? Thought I was signing up for the U.S. Army, and not the U.S. Navy either." A man in line quirks with a smug expression on his face.
"That is no way to speak to your superior officers soldier." I snap at him as I keep my hands locked behind my back.
"What's your name, soldier?" Peggy asks as she steps in front of him.
"Gilmore Hodge, your Majesty."
Wow. Even his name sounds like a douche.
"Step forward, Hodge." Peggy tells him as he follows, "Put your right foot forward."
Ooohoo, he's gonna get his ass kicked.
"Are we dancing? Cause I got a few moves I know you'll like." Hodge smirks.
My eyes widen as I watch Peggy suddenly punch him hard on the face.
Oooh, that sounded like a broken nose. I low-key hope its a broken nose.
"Agent Carter." I hear a voice behind me.
I turn my head and see the colonel.
"Col. Phillips." Peggy addresses him with a salute.
"Commander." He nods his head at me.
"Afternoon Col." I salute him.
"I can see that you're breaking in the candidates, that's good." He tells Peggy.
He walks up to the recruits and looks down at Hodge, addressing him, "get your ass up outta that dirt and stand in line of attention until somebody come tells you what to do."
"Yes sir" Hodge speaks as he sniffs his nose from the pain.
"General Patton," Col. phillips starts as he now addresses the recruits, "has said that wars are fought with weapons but they are won by men. We are going to win this war because we have the best men. And because they're gonna get better. Much better. The Strategic Scientific Reserve is an allied effort made up of the best minds in the free world. Our goal is to create the best army in history. But every army starts with one man. At the end of this week we will choose that man. He will be the first in a new breed of super-soldiers. And they, will personally escort Adolf Hitler to the gates of Hell."
(OK so bear with me since this scene is a bit weird for me to write. The training scenes are skipped over and viewed briefly while being voiced over by Col. Phillips. So I'll do my best.)
Flag scene
"I really hate paperwork." I mumble as I fill out the form on my clipboard.
"Don't we all?" Peggy smiles in the car seat in front of me.
I hear shouting behind me and I set my pen on my ear, turning around with Peggy to look at the recruits running along.
"Squad halt!" The drill Sgt yells to make everyone stop.
"That flag means we're only at our half way point. The first man to bring it to me gets a ride back with Agent Carter and Commander Romanov."
"Well this should be interesting." Peggy tells me with a smirk.
I try to hold back a laugh and snort at the soldiers' antics as they struggle to climb the pole while having their drill Sgt yell at them.
"What a bunch of buffoons" she chuckles beside me.
"You know this reminds me of my Naval Academy days." I smile in amusement.
"You're lucky you know that? Coming from a time where women are given more opportunities."
"Yes, but we still have our flaws." I mumble to myself.
"Well, it looks like no one is hitching a ride back with us." Peggy states once the drill Sgt calls everyone to form back up.
I shake my head with a smirk on my face as I turn back around in my seat.
"Rogers! I said fall in!"
What's he doing, I think to myself as I turn in my seat once again to see Steve looking at the flagpole.
"What is he doing?" I hear Peggy ask behind me, obviously paying attention to Steve as well.
"Wait for it." I tell Peggy once I figure out what he's going to do.
I lean forward in my seat and watch intently as Steve takes the lock off the base of the flagpole, letting it crash down on the ground.
"Yeah boi." I mutter to myself as I smile in approval.
"Told ya." I face Peggy with a stupid proud smirk on my face.
"Oh shut it. You didn't say anything." She rolls her eyes at me with a small smile.
"Good job Rogers." I congratulate him as he climbs in the seat next to me.
"Thanks ma'am."
Dummy Grenade Scene
"Come on ladies! Don't stop now! Keep yourself moving!" I push them along with Peggy as they do jumping jacks.
I quickly glance over at Col. Phillips and Dr. Erskine at the side talking to each other then return my attention to the squad.
Col. Phillips throws a dummy grenade onto the ground near the soldiers, causing them to shout and scatter around before hiding themselves, except for Steve, who throws himself on the grenade, yelling at everyone to get away.
Man, that's some courage alright. At least I know who the cowards are.
"It's a dummy grenade." I let everyone know.
"Is this a test?" Steve asks with a puzzled expression once he sits up.
"I suppose." I answer Steve while looking at Phillips and Erskine.
They're going to choose him, I know it. He is Captain America after all.

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