Arrow Head

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Arrow Head (Extra Side Chapter)
I know I said that the next chapter was going to cpntinue with the boys from Georgetown, but I'm at a block. I have ideas but I'm not sure how to sequence them. To help the wait, I wrote a side story taking place at the same time. Hope you enjoy (: [not edited yet]

"Who's this?" He pointed to some green girl with red hair on his laptop's screen. It was insane how little and tight these characters' costumes were. Did he really read this comic, or did some extra activites with 'em?

Tyler thought it would be good to go through some type of comic book movie boot camp to get me ready for a movie we were going to watch tonight. His mom had a work thing to go to so it was just going to be me, him, and a TV screen.

I thought 'Netflix and chill', but it's more going towards 'torture and kill'. This was insanely boring, but I could never turn down alone time with him. Especially in his room. Who would've thought that there would be no sexual mood sitting with him on his bed.

"Umm, Mars Girl?"

I saw his left eye twitch, I could tell he was losing his patience with me. "Miss Martian, or M'gann would have worked. She's actually a white Martian posing as a green one. What are her powers?"


"Flying... it's not wrong. I guess were making some progress. But she can go into people minds and.."

Each time he goes into specifics, I zone out and just look at him. His eyes were so blue, and it contrasted so well with his dark brown hair.

Behind him, his hamper was full to the top. I wonder if he was on his last clean shirt... Maybe his mom didn't get a chance to do his laundry with work and everything. Doubt Tyler was the laundry-doing type. Everything he would have would turn pink and extra small. In that case...

"You should try doing your own laundry." I pointed to his hamper.

"I'm not allowed to. Wait-were you even listening?"

Dodging his question, I pushed his laptop away. It was too much of a barrier between us. "Can we skip all of this?"

"So you can ruin my movie experience by asking me a million question, I think not."

"I promise I won't." Wrapping my fingers into his, pulling him closely.

"Sorry I'm forcing you." Was this an illusion, or was he actually sincerely apologizing?"

"I didn't mean to." He continued. "I know you never forced me into anything, you never did anything against my will. I mean, it's not like the first day we met you didn't force your lips on me"-

I should've known he was being sarcastic. He would never be that nice to me. "Are you still not over that?"

"Over having my lips assaulted?"

"You liked it."

"I didn't ask or agree to it."

"So should I ask your permission each time I kiss you?" I raised a brow. He loved playing the victim.

"I would you like you take this seriously. You know, I don't even let my own mother watch these with me. The only other person I've watched these with was my dad. He gave me a run through of the characters when I was seven and popped a DVD in."

I never thought that this would have a deeper meaning. He rarely talk about his feelings about his father's death, but I could tell he misses him so much. Why did he have to win?

"I like it when you talk to me about these things." I smiled, raising his hand to my lips. "It just comics don't really interest me, I'm not into fantasies and make-believe. But-I'll try for you."

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