Chapter 5: I Wished-Shutup!

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[Pic of Chelsea]

Tyler's POV

As I passed by Zack's house on my way to school, I stared at the three cars parked in his driveway. I guessed that the new black Cadillac belonged to his parents. Was he staying home today again? Not that I missed him yesterday.

♫ I wished you could be honest, I wished-♫

Okay, I get it. I was lying to myself again. I missed him like crazy. Culinary Arts was surprisingly even more intolerable without his bugging and overall annoying presence. I almost burned my sugar cookies just thinking about him and his soft lips...

"Watch it!" A guy yelled when I wandered down the road. I quickly ran back to the sidewalk, thankful I didn't get run over.

You see what spell he had over me?! And I wasn't even wearing a bow-tie!

Okay, I had to let the whole 'bow-tie effect' thing go. I just hated the hold he had on me. Yesterday, my band instructor Mr. Roswell yelled at me five times, saying that I was out of tune.

Out of friggin' tune! I was never the weak link when it came to band. Even when I had the flu, I played better than everyone and now I was getting yelled at. Zack was already planted in my mind, infecting me with his neediness. Now I needed him; I wanted him. Every time I fell asleep, I dreamt of him and things would go farther than we ever had.

I think I'm going to be

He was too much to just brush off. Maybe if he switched schools, I could finally be rid of him. Yeah! I just needed to continue avoiding him until I forgot about him. That seemed like a full proof plan.

Was I bisexual now? Yeah, I still liked girls and no, there wasn't any other guy in the planet I thought of like that. What did that make me? Straight with a little curiosity? There had to be a word for someone like me, I couldn't have been the only person that felt this way.

I pushed down the hood of my Batman hoodie and adjusted my black skinny jeans. You really had to pick a side with these things. Pushing back my wayfarers, I opened up my locker. I just looked at it, not wanting to even go to band class. I used to love playing but now I was scared that I was no longer good enough. I might as well quit and-

"Hey! Tyler!" I turned around to find Zack's sister charging towards me with an angry expression glued to her face.

What was with his family?

I turned back, closing my locker. I refused to play an instrument while still having my mind fogged with thoughts of Zack.

"I know you see me." She said. What was her name? Veronica or something?

"Turn and face me like the man you wish you were." Her cold voice made me jump as her breath hit the back of my neck.

Slowly, I turned on my heels to face her. "Haven't you guys tortured me enough?" I huffed.

She was prettier when she wasn't bearing her teeth in my face like a rabid Chihuahua.

"Torture?" she scoffed. "My brother is barely moving because of you."

Zack? The guy with more energy than an energizer bunny? No, she had to be kidding me. He couldn't have felt that strong about me, we've only known each other for a few days. Yeah, I know I was going crazy without him but I still had an appetite and I still came to school even though he wasn't there. A small part of me wished he was though.

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