Chapter 1: Bow Tie Effect

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[Pic of Tyler Hogwagon]

Tyler's POV

I was pretty sure that when I got dress today, I didn't put an invisibility cloak over my collared jean shirt and grey skinny jeans. Was it the red bow tie I was wearing? Did it somehow shield my existence or was I just that unnoticeable?

Nah, it was totally the bow tie.

I bent down on one knee to pick up my book that was knocked to the ground when a redhead girl nearly ran me over. I was pretty sure the hallway was big enough for her to walk around me. The chick didn't even pause to help me pick up my Calculus textbook. The nerve of some people!

Pushing my prescription wayfarers back before they slid off my nose, I got back up on my two feet, ready to give a second try at loading my locker. Opening it up, I was welcomed by my Hunger Games poster with the beautiful Jennifer Lawrence pointing an arrow at me. I sighed as I remembered that I still had five more classes to go and still hadn't had lunch yet.

Two months into my junior year at Newton High and I was already suffering from senoritis without actually being in the twelfth grade. It wasn't my fault that my mom refused to let me skip a grade. She wanted me to have the full high school experience, but instead I was stuck with the lowcost package filled with isolation and weekly shoves by people too in a hurry to say exuse me.

I let out another sigh as I reached in the orange locker for my Culinary Arts handbook and the mini recipe pamphlet we used. At least I would be able to snack in that class even though I hated cooking. My mother felt like I needed a more well rounded schedule. I didn't understand how psychology wasn't a better pick.

My class had an odd amount of students so I was always left working by myself. I didn't mind it since I didn't have to worry about someone burning off my eyebrows. Believe it or not, that actually happened before to someone in this class. Twice.

The classroom was actually a large kitchen with space set aside in the back for desks and a portable whiteboard.

As I did the bellringer on the board--just a three question quiz on hand washing techniques--I heard the empty chair next to me creak.

Turning to the left, I saw a dark haired boy make himself comfy on the plastic seat next to me. He had the school's orange hoodie marked with a tiger paw on and green camo skinny jeans above his black Vans. He wasn't going to have any trouble getting the girls at this school's attention, not that he got mine...

I've never seen him before and wondered what the heck possessed him to sit next to me. There were like four other empty seats!

"Yo, can you spot me a sheet?" he asked, taking out a pen from his pocket.

I noticed that he didn't have a bookbag with him. Who doesn't bring paper to school? I would get it if it was like the last month of school, but no, October was just around the corner. It was like forgetting to bring your sheet music to band practice.

I rolled my eyes as I reached into my messenger bag to pull out a few sheets of loose leaf paper. He took it with a nod and started jotting down the questions on the board.

"As you all can see, we have a new student in the class." Chef Rebecca announced. She was our teacher and even though I rather call her Mrs. Frost, she made us refer to her as chef. How big of a chef are you when you teach high schoolers? Anyways, she was only like a decade older than us so it wasn't that weird.

"Zack Ladera, please stand up." she pointed to the guy sitting next to me.

Aw crap, I hoped he wasn't my permanent partner. A boy who came to school unprepared was not the ideal colleague. He seemed more like an ideal brow-burner.

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