Chapter 19: Everclear

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Tyler's POV

I was actually having fun.

The main reason why I agreed to go to this dance was to patch things up with Zack, to show him that I was proud of our relationship. To be honest, I was a distancing myself from him a little. I just felt like he turned my life so upside down, that I didn't even do the things I usually did.

I ignored my 'Sexy Sax'; that's my saxophone; and was getting behind on my online comic book reading. I even started reading Yaoi mangas so I could get an idea of how it works between two guys. A lot of incest and rape, apparently. I guess reading things like 'it felt like I was being teared apart' wasn't very encouraging.

I didn't think I did much until my whole routine was turned upside-down.

Thinking back to the day when I first met Zack, I remembered how jealous I was of Gina. I thought she had his eye, and was keeping my feelings of losing him to her underneath. Even though my denial of my feelings only lasted a couple days, Dillan might have been hiding his for me for years.

He never told me to my face how he feels for me, so I wasn't just going to take Zack's words for it. I just wish he would talk to me. I was with Zack, there was no choice to make. Maybe it would be better that we didn't meet, again so I won't have to break his heart. He was probably going through enough pain.

Greg was a nice guy, working at the guitar shop with him has been fun. Nothing has cross the lines of friendship between us since I got back together with Zack. I even refrained from taking him to see his mother, and stayed away from the whole topic as a whole. I didn't want to deepen our relationship any further and give him the wrong idea.

I respected Zack too much to even become best friends with Greg.

Now all that was left was checking Chelsea.

She said I confessed to her in the eight grade, but I didn't know how she could still hold on to it for all this time. I hated seeing the face Zack wore when I had my arms around her. I smiled for the pictures, but I was extremely uncomfortable inside. It didn't feel right.

What was more uneasy was his mother. When we stopped by at his house and she took pictures of us, all I could think was 'Why couldn't we do this with my mom?'. I wanted to have dinner with us three, and introduce Zack as my boyfriend. I was still scared of her response, but I was more interested of getting this barrier between us out the way.

Tomorrow, it would be just be my mom, Zack and I. I didn't want to keep such a big part of my life a secret from her anymore.

"Can't dance, huh?" Zack licked his lips after we made our way off the dancefloor.

I had no idea what I was doing out there; I was mainly following his lead. But, I have been told I have a dancer's body. The new Tokio Hotel album isn't going to dance to its self.

I was exhausted and needed a long due potty break. "I'm just gonna use the bathroom really quick."

"I'll come with."

I knew whipping my penis out in front of him was probably going to lead to us both getting expelled for lewd acts in the bathroom. Getting caught at school was not on my bucket list.

"No, you won't." I shook my head. "Why don't you go get me some water?"

He looked worried but then nodded his head and left. Did he really not trust me? I wasn't going off to get drunk, why can't people accept that I learned my lesson?

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