Chapter 3: In Rolls He Trust

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[Pic of Vanessa Ladera]

Zack's POV

I sighed when I saw my sister's car in the driveway. Did she have to be home? Couldn't she just stay after school? She said she was going to try out for the cheerleading squad tomorrow so hopefully that would take some time. I loved my sister Vanessa to death but sometimes, she just annoyed the crap out of me.

Since she was a year older than me, she acted like she could just boss me around. Yeah right! She better rethink that.

Tyler looked hella nervous when he got out of the car. I was half expecting him to run home like yesterday.

Trust me; I understood that what I did was wrong. I shouldn't have jumped him like that but he practically made me do it. How could I resist those pink lips and his hungry crystal blue eyes? So all in all, I was doing him a favor. I was just feeding his deep desire... okay, maybe my deep desire that was reflecting from his cool eyes. I did all I could not to run my fingers through his honey brown hair.

Today was going to be different; I was going to wait until the right moment to make my move instead of acting on impulse. He didn't know he liked me yet and I just needed to be patient.

I opened the door to my practically empty house. There was no furniture yet except for the dining table and the high chairs for the bar in the kitchen.

"I love the décor, very minimalistic." Tyler joked, following me upstairs after he set his bag down near the door.

"My parents aren't in town yet. They're still packing everything up and whatever." I told him, meeting my sister at the top of the staircase. Really, couldn't she get a hobby or something?

Vanessa may have shared my dark hair and green eyes, but we were nothing alike. To list a few; she was nosey, a control freak, and always felt like she was right. The lady was a walking buzz kill.

"Did you really invite someone over already?" she scoffed, moving to the side to let us through.

"Don't be mad that people actually like me."

"People like me. I'm likable." She seemed more like she was trying to convince herself with that garbage. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"

This girl was going to give me a migraine! "Vanessa, this is Tyler. Tyler, this is nobody you would want to know."

Vanessa rolled her eyes, pulling me by the hood of my jacket. Shit, why did she have to be so much stronger than me? I tried pulling away but she kept her hold. I caught Tyler laughing and sent him a smile to try to make it seem like we were playing. In reality, she was holding me captive against my will.

"His room is the last door on the right, you could go in." she instructed him. He shrugged and made his way to my room, making no attempt to save me. Wow, there went my knight in shining armor.

"What's your deal?" I grimaced, shooting her a death glare.

"You're doing it again." she twisted her lips.

"Doing what?" I furrowed my brows in confusion; I had no idea what she was talking about.

"They didn't call you 'The Turner' for no reason. You remember Tom? Adam? You drove Jermaine into hiding!"

"Hey, those were just experiments. They felt like they were so hetero and homophobic, so I taught them a lesson." I admitted. They weren't so manly when I made them scream my name.

"What about Tyler? What is he? You can't keep hurting random guys."

"Tyler is different. There's just something about him I'm drawn to. Why do you care anyways?" It wasn't like she cared about those other guys.

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