Chapter 16

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*five months have passed*

Rayne's pov

I was now thirteen years old, probably, there's no way to tell time so it's just a guess. I felt no different from five months ago when I was twelve. I got treated no different than when I was twelve either. Rick still treated me like a toddler, my mom has talked to me less and less, and Carl still treated me the same.

Ever since Shane died, Carl and sometimes Daryl had been Rick's second in command person. Which means he has a lot of duties to do, and we don't get a lot of time together in the day, unless he needed help with something. And during the night, he was so tired, we barely talked to each other. I was really sad because it felt like I was all alone.

Lori was five or six months pregnant and was starting to become dead weight for the group. I went hunting and if I was lucky, found a rabbit, the walkers have been catching wildlife, so that means less for us.

We needed to move soon, but the dictator says we stay. Sooner or later, we're going to have to move sooner rather than later, or else we will starve. Andrea has been leaving the house after curfew to do something, I was on watch tonight, and I have no idea who is with me. Watch was probably the most boring duty of all. All you do is sit on the porch and watch. You also get to kill on occasion, which has grown so monotone.

Right now, I was in the living room doing exercises. I have gained so much muscle in the past year it isn't even funny. Carl has too, and I'm definitely not complaining about that, it's probably the best thing since the apocalypse, Carl with muscles, you couldn't really see them like you could Daryl's but you can definitely feel them. Although, I think I'm the only one who has actually felt them, I hope.

Beth has done the usual helping around the house, T-Dog has an infected arm, a result from going on a run and scraping his arm against a car door, Hershel thinks he has blood poisoning. He might even die, so we have him handcuffed to the bed just in case. Someone has to watch him at all times as well. Right now, Carol was watching him, T-Dog was pretty cool and I'd hate to lose him. But in this world, anyone or anything could be taken away from you in a split second.

I finished my exercises and walked into the meeting room, or the dining room, and saw Andrea talking to some girl, I've never seen her before, she had a katana strapped to her back and looked at me, I shrank back into the shadows, and listened in, but their conversation stopped, I knew I had been caught. I stepped out of the living room and stared between the two.

"Does Rick know?" I asked Andrea, she nodded her head no and glared at me,

"Well, I think either you tell him and get kicked out, or you get out of here and I still tell him, I knew you were hiding something. I saw you sneak out after curfew, I'm not stupid, so I recommend you make the right choice" I said.

"You aren't the leader, you can't tell me what to do" Andrea said, standing up.

"Well, I think since I'm close to Carl, it won't be that hard to tell Rick." I said, a small devious smirk on my face.

"You wouldn't." She lowly said,

"Oh, I think I would. What is she doing here anyways?"

"She's getting food for her and her group." I raised my eyebrows and adjusted my posture.

"You're giving her our food?" I said getting more than angry.

"Yes, Michonne needs it." I bit my lip and closed my eyes tightly.

"So do we. She isn't even in our group, she has no right to be taking our food, it's scarce as it is, we don't need someone else taking our food. Daryl and I risk our lives to get that food for you, and you just give it to someone else?" I said yelling. I scoffed and stormed outside and found Carl, who was now 14.

He saw me coming towards him and got up.

"Hey, what's the matter?" He asked, his voice deeper than it was before thanks to puberty, it's also made him super hot too. That's always a plus one, like, there's no down side to it.

"Andrea brought a woman from another group and is giving her our food." I said pointing to the house. Carl got up with his pistol in the holster and walked towards the house with me, we got through the door and they were still there. Andrea looked up and saw Carl and me. She froze and stared at us. Carl had a glare on his face as did I. Andrea couldn't believe she's been caught. Michonne got up and I looked at her.

"Andrea, my dad will hear about this immediately." Carl said and looked at Michonne,

"And you, leave." She looked at us and left silently. Carl walked over to Andrea and told me to get Rick. I nodded and found Rick, he was doing something with the fence, I think he was reinforcing it.

"Rick, this is serious, you need to come now." I said, he nodded and followed me, we came into the house and I pointed to Andrea.

"What's the problem?" Rick asked wiping his hands on his pants.

"Andrea here, has been sneaking out past curfew, and bringing another group's person into our house and has been giving them our food." I said, Rick looked at Andrea and then over to Carl, he nodded yes and then Rick told me to gather everyone up for an emergency meeting. I had gathered everyone and we were all in the living room, with Andrea standing in the center of the room, Rick was right beside her. Once everyone settled in, Rick started speaking.

"I'm going to get right to the point. Andrea has betrayed us all, she's been giving another group our food. She's been sneaking out after curfew as well, the other group now knows our location and depending on how big it is, they could attack us." Everyone gasped and I leaned into Carl's side, he rubbed my back and rested his head on the top of mine.

"So, what we're going to do, is take a vote, just like good ol' times. Who wishes to have her out of our group and those who think she should stay." We all nodded and Rick said,

"All in favor of kicking Andrea out, stand up." Everyone except Hershel and Beth stood up. Rick surveyed the room with a quick nod.

"Ok, all in favor of keeping her, stand." Rick said and Hershel spoke up,

"She was helping other human beings, we would want help if we were starving, right? She was doing them a favor." He said, Carl said,

"She was endangering our safety."

"Why would they attack someone who has helped them?"

"Because they know we have food." Carl said, Hershel sat down and shook his head, he still believed in doing good deeds for others, even if it means risking our lives.

He was a good man, really, he just couldn't understand that the world was different, and that we can't do good deeds for others when we can barely support ourselves. It was now past curfew and we were all still in the living room, Andrea was packing her things and was getting ready to leave. I was still leaned up against Carl and he woud ever so often kiss he top of my head. He was still the most adorable person on this planet, or the hottest. Either one is fine with me. He  carried this dangerous vibe with him, he's gained the group's respect and was a badass, but was noting but sweet to me.

I was on watch so I got up and went outside to the porch with my bow in hand. Carol was supposed to be on watch with me, I heard someone come out of the house and I said,

"Hey, Carol."

"Um, I'm not Carol'' I heard Carl say, I turned around and said,

"I thought Carol was on watch today?"

"She was, but I volunteered to take her place, so that I could spend more time with you." He smiled, but also looked a little nervous, but I dismissed it. He sat down beside me and rubbed his hands together.

"So, um, Rayne, I've been meaning to ask you this for a while, actually," He said and swallowed, I looked at him and he said,

"Rayne, I know we're in the apocalypse and all and nobody really cares about making relationships official, but, Rayne, will you be my girlfriend?"

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