Chapter 32

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Rayne's pov

Why would she keep something this big from me? First I find out that my dad really isn't my my dad, and then I find out that my mom was cheating on them both with the Governor? This is all just too confusing and honestly it's giving me a lot of anxiety. If she's kept those secrets from me this long, who's to say she's not keeping bigger things from me?

It's been three days since I've been shot, and I've actually felt a lot better than I should, I've been resting for three straight days, and today Hershel agreed to let me try and walk today, and I couldn't be more excited.

"Good morning, you ready to do this?" Hershel asks walking in with Carl.

"Yes, I've been waiting forever." I said, being super dramatic.

"I bet you have." Hershel chuckled as he helped me up.

"Now this isn't going to feel very good."Hershel said and I nodded. I stood up and pain shot up my leg, but it was bearable. I took a few small steps, seeming to be able to bear the pain and I looked up and smiled.

"Well, all I can say is to not over exert yourself and take it easy." Hershel said and I nodded. He walked out and I looked over at Carl who had his signature hat on, which reminded me,

"I get the hat now." I said and laughed, he looked confused.

"Come on, Rick got shot, you got shot, now I've been shot, it's my turn." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"No, I've formed a bond with this hat." He said, a little sarcastically.

"For one day?" I asked and he sighed,

"Of course." He said and I took his hat from him and put it on. I laughed and walked out of the room, down into the main area where everyone was eating breakfast. I hobbled over to the makeshift kitchen and made a plate and found a seat next to Rick.

"Why do you have the hat on?" Rick asked and I looked at him like it was obvious.

"I'm in the club now." I said and he smiled,

"Yeah, I almost forgot about that."

"I only get it for a day, though, because apparently he's 'formed a bond'" I said with air quotes.

"He's so weird sometimes." Rick said and I nodded, we fell into a comfortable silence and ate our food.

After we finished our food we got ready for the day. Since I was injured I had to help with Judith, which I wasn't complaining about because she's adorable as heck. I was playing with Judith when Andrea walked in, joy.

"Hey, is Beth around?" She asked and I shook my head no.

"Ok, good, I need to tell you something, and you can't tell anyone else." She said and I said ok.

"Alright, well, those people in the woods were Woodbury spies, and well, I was one of them too. Michonne would have left anyways, but anyways I was sent to be a spy, because Woodbury wants you and your mom, they're going to attack." Andrea finished and I just looked at her.

"Why would you tell me this?"

"Because I needed to tell someone, it was driving me insane, we need to find a way to keep everyone, but mainly you and your mom safe from the Governor." Andrea said and I picked Judith up, and stood up.

"Alright, why don't we figure this out now?"

"Ok, well I was thinking I go and tell the Governor that you guys are at your weakest point, and he'll attack. We'll set everyone up so it looks believable, but you and your mom will be hiding in the woods, preferably on the bus with all the kids, ready to get out of there if anything goes wrong. Everybody else will have a gun and we'll have some people in the watch towers with machine guns. We'll take everyone out." She said and I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"You don't think it'll be that easy, do you? They have a freaking town full of people, we have like 10 people." I said and she sighed

"I know, but that's the best thing we've got right now." She said and I nodded,

"How are you going to tell everyone?"

"I'll worry about that, but anyways, don't tell anybody." She said and I nodded. She walked out and I seriously doubted how effective her plan would be, but I guess it's better than nothing. I started lightly bouncing Judith when Beth came back

"Hey, Rick needs you downstairs, bring Judith." She said and I followed her.

I got downstairs and saw everybody sat down, so I took a seat next to Beth on the stairs, Rick was standing in the middle and I guessed Andrea told him and this was a meeting.

"Alright, it's come to my attention that Woodbury is about to strike. The Governor wants only two people though, Rayne and Lyla." Some people looked at us, but I just stared at Rick.

"For reasons I cannot say, he wants them, badly. We need a plan to destroy Woodbury before they get to us. I thought about this and the only way to get rid of them is to burn Woodbury." Rick said and my eyebrows shot up. I looked around and I swear I saw a little smile from Michonne.

"Now, this isn't up for debate. We are doing this."

"But what about the kids?" Carol asked and some people nodded.

"Well, we can hope that they escape." Rick said.

"Tonight, we go and get this done, the quicker they're eliminated, the better for everyone. Rayne, you stay here, look after Judith, we can't have you out there with your leg all messed up." I nodded and Judith started crying. I took her upstairs and grabbed her bottle and started feeding her, she made a baby noise and started drinking. I walked over to the window and looked out of it. I saw walkers at the fence trying to get in.

Judith finished her bottle and I walked back down the stairs with her in my hands. She started whining a little, so I bounced her up and down. Everyone was still discussing the Woodbury matter. Time will tell if this insane plan will work.

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