Chapter 22

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Rayne's pov

I was frozen where I stood and looked to where the voice came from. I saw a guy with a prison jumpsuit on, looking at us with nothing but pure rage.

"I'm gonna ask y'all again, who. The hell. Are you?" He said, more demanding this time, I looked at Daryl but he just stood still.

"I'm not gonna ask you again." The prisoner shouted grabbing a knife, I was starting to get nervous and Daryl wasn't doing anything.

The prisoner started to advance slowly with the knife pointed to one of us. He was gaining on us and we were just standing there. I was frozen in fear, that was, until he grabbed me and held the knife up to my throat.

I gasped and struggled against his hold, only for the knife to dig deeper into my skin, I could feel some blood spill out of a cut. I made a choking noise and everyone was still. I could see Daryl was conflicted with something, but I couldn't care less right now, I could die. My mom wasn't even doing anything except staring. Carl had his hand on his gun and was about to pull it out.

"I wouldn't do that if you want her alive." The prisoner said. I looked at Carl and he put his gun back and looked at me, terror was in his eyes.

"Now, if y'all wanna get her out of this alive, you're gonna answer me. Now, who are you and what do ya want?" He said, his grip getting tight around my middle. The knife dug into my skin and fresh blood spilled out. The pain was so much, I felt tears well up in my eyes, whether from pain or fear, I'd never know. His grip just got tighter and I felt the knife go a little deeper. The tears poured over and were streaming down my face, my breathing became labored and rapid.

"We don't want trouble, just let her go!" Daryl said eyeing the man up and down.

"No, if you didn't want trouble, you would have answered sooner." The crazy prisoner says.

"Look, we're sorry, just put her down and we'll work something out." Carl says surprisingly calm.

"Let me think, hmm, how about no."

"Why not?" My mom asked, her voice shaky.

"Because I think she means a lot to all of you, so I'm going to keep her, for, well, let's just say entertainment." He says looking down at me. My eyes widen and I try to escape once again clawing at his arm, then I remember my feet weren't restricted.

"No!'' Carl and my mom say at the same time, but they can't do anything, or my throat will be slit.

I lift my leg unnoticeably, and kick behind me, it hit him hard and his grip on both my throat and waist were released. I grabbed my knife from my belt, and spun around facing him. I then drove my knife right into the back of his head, not thinking twice.

I had killed my first living person. His blood splattered a little on my face, but right now, I don't care. He hurt me, threatened my group and I, he wasn't getting out alive. I was just the one to make sure of that. I slowly turned back and everyone was silent, Daryl looked guilty and my mom looked horrified. Carl was looking at the knife in my hand.

"Let's finish clearing this area out." I said walking ahead of them.

Seconds later I hear their footsteps follow me. I hear some whispers but honestly, I couldn't care less, I was focused. I walked until I saw a hall, but there were two doors labeled Cell Block D. We had successfully cleared out all of the threats in our area of cell block C.

I turned around and wiped my neck, blood still dripping from it, it's going to leave a pretty bad scar. If it weren't for the circumstances of the situation I think I would look like some sort of bad ass. I push my hair out of my face and keep walking to the meeting spot. I see Rick and his group there as well. They weren't bloody at all and they were all standing around.

"What happened to your neck?" Hershel asked.

"We came across a guy and held a knife to my neck and kinda cut it, but I killed him." I said looking at Hershel speaking in a monotone voice. He nodded his head and Rick said,

"Did you get the head?"

"Of course." I said looking Rick in the eye. He nodded and looked away, running a hand over his beard. Lori was sitting on the steps with her head in her hands. I looked at everyone and they were looking back at me. I walked out to the U-Hauls to get our things to move into the cells. I heard people following me but I didn't look back. I grabbed my things and headed back inside.

"You can have first pick." Rick said to me.

"Thanks." I say walking up to the second story and putting my things on the bed to the right, there was another bed on the left, where I assume Carl will be staying. A minute later Carl walks into the cell and puts his things on the left bed. He then turns to me and hugs me.

"I'm so sorry for what happened back there." He said squeezing me

"It's not your fault, he could have just as easily grabbed you. I don't even know what happened to the other two with him. " I said, squeezing him back.

He let me go after a few more seconds and I just looked at him. He had been there when nobody else was, when my mom went to Daryl for comfort and forgot about me, Carl was there. I moved all of my things off of my bed and laid down, deciding not to do much of anything else for the rest of the day, I mean, it looks like it's going to get dark soon. Carl laid beside me and started playing with my hair that was slightly bloody. I closed my eyes and drifted asleep.

I woke up and Carl was still there, I guess he didn't move. I got up, trying not to disturb him and I walked out of my cell. I saw Hershel standing there looking out one of the windows, he sighed and looked back at me and smiled, I smiled back and walked up beside him.

"How are you?" He asked looking out at the clouds.

"Considering everything, I'm doing alright." I said looking out of the window.

"Well that's good." Hershel said and I nodded. Minutes later Rick and almost everyone else came down to where Hershel and I stood.

"Today, we're going to build some things to try and reinforce the fence, to protect us better." Rick said glancing over all of us.

I nodded and followed everyone else outside. Once we were given our jobs, we started on it. Carl and I had been assigned to make sure there were no holes where walkers could get in.

We were walking the perimeter when I saw someone by the edge of the woods. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a walker, they looked like they were just leaning up against a tree looking at us. Watching us.

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