Twelve. Meet The Parents

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(A/N-  so this might be slightly random but I was looking at some pictures of Niall, of course, and it occurred to me that I actually have a favorite outfit that he has worn.  Two outfits actually.  The first is from the UAN tour.  Those blue pants and sort of teal long sleeve shirt with the blue snapback-on backwards!!  Wow!  And the second is from the TMH Tour.  He had on the black pants, red shirt and the jean jacket with leather sleeves. heart!  Anyway....I hope you enjoy this chapter!!  The next chapter will have some pretty good, intense, Narry moments and I'll post that on Thursday or Friday!!  xx )


“I’m really nervous about meeting them.  What if they don’t like me?”

“Don’t be silly, babe.  Of course they are going to like you.”

“I hope so.” Ryan kisses my lips and then returns to the chicken currently on the stove.

It’s been about a week and a half since the party.  A week and a half without seeing, speaking to or even mentioning Harry.  I really miss him but I always have.  It’s just that now, it feels like it’s more final; like there is no possible way for us to see one another until Harry is happily with someone else.  The thought of that does sort of put a twinge in my stomach, but I suspect that is the way it is when you dated someone for a long period of time.

My parents will be here tomorrow and they will officially meet Ryan and I am very excited about that.  We’ll spend Thursday night with them and then Ryan has to leave for Los Angeles on Friday.  We are both bummed that he isn’t able to spend the weekend with me and the family but he has to meet with a few producers. 

As much as I’ll miss him it kind of works out a little too.  On Saturday I’ll be going up with my parents to Cheshire to visit Harry’s parents.  So I’m sure that would have been an awkward visit if Ryan was with me. 

I’ve been told by Louis and Gemma that Harry will not be there so for that I am thankful.  I don’t think I would be able to handle him at this moment.  Nothing has changed and I am sure it would be as gut wrenching as it was the night of his birthday party.

We are spending the afternoon and evening with Anne, Des and Gemma and then leaving on Sunday.  It really will be great to see Anne and Des again.  I do very much miss them and it does make me sad to know that I’m not really a part of that family anymore.  I know that they don’t see it that way but I do.

Ryan and I spent a quiet evening at my house, having dinner and the watching a couple movies.  Knowing that we wouldn’t be able to give each other a proper goodbye while my parents were here, just made tonight more special.  I made sure that he knew that I was going to miss him when he left on Friday.  I made sure that he knew what would be waiting from him when he returned in a week.  I made sure that he was properly sexually satisfied and emotionally happy and he did the same for me.

“They’re here!” I said excitedly and grabbed onto Ryan’s arms and beamed when I heard the knocking on my front door.

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