Twenty-Two. Unmatched Passion

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(A/N-  I hope you all really enjoy this chapter!  I will be fairly busy over the next few days and through the weekend, so I likely won't update again until Monday.  Thank you all for reading, commenting and voting!!  Love to you all!!  xx  )


I felt good, surprisingly.  I felt a massive weight lifted off my shoulders.  I was happy with the way things ended between Ryan and me.  I was happy for the time we spent together and thankful that I could still call him my friend.  The closure that we both received is what Harry and I never had and that is why I struggled so much with it.

I know that everyone has been right all along.  I know that Harry and I will always find our way back to each other.  I am sorry that it took me so long to figure it out and I am sorry that I had to put Ryan through the difficulty with having to see Harry trying to get me back and me fighting so hard against it when he knew all along that I really wanted it.

I am not sorry for the separation, however.  I feel that it was a good thing.  Harry and I both messed up.  I stopped fighting for him when I felt the resistance and distance he was putting up and he lied, and hid a growing emotional connection to another guy that was literally millimeters away from a physical connection if I hadn’t been there to stop him.

We have both made mistakes and I know that it will take me a little while to gain back the trust that I once had in him but I want to do that.  I want to be in love with him like I used to be.  I know that I still love him but I hope one day soon it will be stronger than it ever was; strong enough for us to last through anything.

I spent Monday evening resting after the long flight back to London.  I was certainly jet lagged and didn’t much feel like doing anything.  I texted Ryan and let him know I was home safely and we texted a few more minutes about random things.  It was nice.  Like we really could be friends and I was so very happy about that.  I let Louis, Liam and Zayn know I had made it home and of course Louis said that we are all going out on Friday night and of course I agreed.

I saved Harry for last.  I wanted to see him but not tonight, I was far too tired to hash anything out but I so desperately wanted to kiss him again and be in his arms.  I stared at his contact name in my phone.  I couldn’t help but to change it back to its original form.  I smiled as I did.  I guess it’s the first step.

To: Hxx

Hey you.  I’m home.  Just wanted to let you know.

It was about fifteen minutes later that I received a response.

To: Niall

Hi.   I’m glad you’re home safely  : )  Sorry I didn’t respond earlier, I was in the shower and obviously didn’t have my phone.  I missed you.

To: Hxx

That’s ok.  I missed you too.  Can we maybe meet for dinner tomorrow?  I’ll make it here for us.  Say six?

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