Nineteen. As Handome As Ever

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(A/N-  So here it is, at last!!  The Jamie/Niall meeting!  Hope you enjoy it!!  I love you and am very appreciative of every single one of you readers, vocal and silent!!  Next update will likely be on Thursday or Friday!!  xx  )


Thursday came entirely too fast.  It’s a good thing and sort of bad thing.  Good because since this week is flying by, it means I only have another week before I get to fly out to the states and see Ryan.  I also get to talk to Ryan tonight. 

I’ve shown great resolve in not calling or texting him between when we last spoke on Saturday and now.  It was very difficult because I constantly want to tell him about my day and ask how he is doing and how the shows are going.  I can admit to looking at some of his performances on YouTube.  Some fans record and upload it and curiosity got the best of me one night and I might have watched a video or five.

I still miss him but it is getting slightly easier day by day. 

The bad thing about it being Thursday already is obviously because in about two and a half hours I’ll be coming face to face with Jamie after just about four and a half years. 

I guess it’s not all a bad thing because I am very curious to see how he has been doing and see this change that his therapist states that he made.  I hope that I can see the sweet Jamie that I had love for.  I know that time in my life dating him was something no one should have to go through and I am upset with myself that I didn’t end the relationship when I first noticed a problem.  At the same time, however, the whole ordeal made me a stronger person.  Since I stayed I did get to have more time with and get to know the sweet and kind qualities that Jamie has.  It may have also been a good thing for him too.  What I mean by that is because of how our relationship played out, in the end he was taken away and got the help that he very desperately needed.  Of course it was in the form of incarceration but help was still provided.

“You ready?” Harry asks as I greet him at my front door.  He is of course right on time; here at twelve noon.

“No” I say with a smirk and he smiles.  I lead him into my living room and finish getting ready.

I pull my jacket on slowly and pause for a second to take a few deep breaths.  Harry places his hands on my shoulders immediately.

“Hey.  It will be ok.  I get that you are nervous and you have every right to be but I will be right in the next room watching so if he makes any kind of movement toward you in an unfriendly way, I’ll be in there faster than you can even ask for help.  He won’t hurt you again.  I promise.  Ok?”  I don’t say anything.  I am facing the floor with my eyes closed.  I feel him lift my chin with his finger.

“Ok?” He asks again and I finally open my eyes to look into his.  I nod.  “Ok.  Good.  Let’s go get some lunch, shall we?”  I lightly smiled and we exited the house and got into his car.

I didn’t really know what happened at the restaurant.  My mind wasn’t really there.  I was going through the motions of eating but I don’t think I actually tasted anything.  Harry was trying to keep the conversation going to hold my mind busy from over thinking and worrying about what was happening all too soon.  I am very thankful to him for doing that and I tried to stay up with the dialogue but I don’t think I knew what I was saying nor do I even remember any of it.

We walked hesitantly into the large office building and towards the elevators.  I looked at the office directory and saw Mr. Brentwood’s practice listed.  Sixth floor, suite six hundred.  Harry and I stepped into the elevator car and the doors closed.  I timidly pressed the button for floor six and then stepped back next to Harry’s side.  He smiled down at me and then took my hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Within The Lyrics ~ Sequel to My Mentor  *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now