Eighteen. A Gift From Home

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(A/N- So...I'm back after a four day hiatus.  I've just not had internet and let me tell you...it drove me insane!!  Anyway....I've tried to catch up the best I could with any comments or messages left, but if I did miss a few, I do apologize for not responding.  I do appreciate it them all very much!!  And awesome to come back to so many new followers...thank you all so much!!  Also this story is now #105 in Fan Fiction...so again, I can't say this enough....Thank you all so much!!   I hope you enjoy Chapter 18 and I'll post 19 tomorrow evening!!  xxx!!  )


“Niall…..hey…Ni..babe….wake up” I can hear a voice but I am choosing sleep but the voice doesn’t stop.  “Niall…c’mon….wake up” I feel feather light touches on my cheek.

“hmmmm….” Is the only thing I can muster at this early hour; or what I assume is an early hour.  I can hear soft laughter and then a hand on my shoulder slightly shaking me back and forth.  I decide that this person won’t stop so it’s best that I start to wake my mind and body up.

I squint my eyes at first, adjusting to the light coming into the room and when I finally have one eye for the most part open, I see his dimples and tousled brown hair.

“Morning” I grumble out and begin to stretch my muscles and bring my fingers up to my face to wipe the sleep out of my eyes.

I slowly sit up in bed, placing my back against the headboard and letting a large yawn escape while I stretch my arms above my head.  I turn to Harry and take in his appearance and he chuckles when I cock my left eyebrow at him.

“You’re wearing my clothes, Harry.”

“Yeah, well I’ve been up for ages and I just decided that I would shower and then obviously I don’t have any of my clothing so I came in here and got some of yours.  Is that ok?”

“Yeah, of course.  That’s fine.”  I scratch the back of my head, still trying to wake up and come to grips with the fact that Harry is in my clothing.  It’s strange but at the same time it’s nice to see.  I yawn again, covering my face and then rubbing my eyes.  I toss the blankets off of me and stand up from the bed.

“Why don’t you shower and come down stairs.  I have breakfast almost ready.” He says with a small smile and then leaves the room without another word.

I do as he suggests and fifteen minutes later I am joining him in my kitchen and sitting down to eat breakfast.  Surprising myself that I almost forgot how amazing of a cook Harry is.

“So I have to go see this guy that the label wants to sign.  Some A and R rep found him at one of those open mic night things at a local bar and the label wants me to listen to him sing and report back to them about what I think.” He says, making conversation and then takes a bite of the delicious apple pancakes that he made.

“That’s cool.  When are you doing that?”  I reply and he looks at his watch.

“I have to be at Brickhouse Studios in about forty-five minutes.  Do you maybe wanna go with?  I mean, if you’re not doing anything else for the next two or three hours.”

Within The Lyrics ~ Sequel to My Mentor  *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now