Sixteen. You're Just Jealous

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(A/N- So I know that I said I would update on Wednesday but I figured I would post something a day early.  Not too much exciting going on in the chapter but please enjoy the Nouis adorable friendship!!  Cover art on the side created by @sparklyharrry .   Thanks, darling!!   Anyway, enjoy chapter 16 and I'll be updating again either tomorrow or Thursday!!  xx  )


To: Niall

I’m in New York.

To: Ryan

Ok.  I miss you.  Please change your mind, baby.

To: Niall

I miss you, too.  A lot.  But I think it has to be this way.  I’m sorry.

To: Ryan

Don’t be sorry.  I guess I understand.  But it still hurts.  Can we talk this weekend?

To: Niall

Absolutely.  Call me on Saturday.  Have a good night, babe.

To: Ryan

Ok.  Good.  I’ll talk to you on Saturday.  Have a good day.  Miss you.  xxx

To: Niall


That was the text I have been waiting for all day.  It’s the only reason why I have kept my phone on for this long.  I really don’t want to be bothered by anyone.  So now that I know he is safely in New York, I am turning my phone off and hiding away in my bed.  I don’t want to move.  I just want to lie under the covers and cry myself to sleep and dream about being in Ryan’s arms.

It’s Thursday around six in the evening before I finally emerge from my room.  Other than quick trips to the bathroom, I have not left my bed since getting back from the airport when I dropped Ryan off.  I’ve cried every tear that was in my body.  Eventually I was crying without tears.  I slept, stared at the ceiling, went to the bathroom, slept, cried, stared at the ceiling some more and slept again.

I ignored my hunger pains.  I had water next to my bed that I was sipping off of but I really could care less about my well being.  I was too depressed to move. 

I walk out into the kitchen first and decide on having a piece of toast.  Something small that wouldn’t upset my stomach too much.  I wasn’t really in the mood to eat but I knew that I needed to get something in my system.  While the bread was in the toaster, I went back into my room and grabbed my phone and turned it back on.

I scrolled through my missed calls and texts while eating my toast and drinking some cranberry juice. 

I have about fifteen missed calls with six voice mails and around thirty texts; all from Liam, Zayn and Louis except for one missed call from my mum and a text from Harry.  I listen to the voicemails and it is clear that Liam and Zayn must have talked to Ryan because they both left a message to call them if I need anything and that they are really sorry.  The voicemail from my mother is just your average ‘calling to check in’ type of thing.  There is also another from Louis and judging by his tone, he knows what happened as well.  Liam or Zayn must have told him.  I can’t see Ryan calling Louis to tell him that he broke up with me.

All of the texts are apologies and sympathetic words in addition to them asking me to call them so we can talk.  But I still don’t want to talk.  I want to wallow in the fact that the most perfect boyfriend dumped me because of my baggage.  And yes, that is what I am considering Harry right now; baggage.

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