Fourteen. Half A Heart

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(A/N- So I was going to wait to post this chapter until Sunday...but I really want you all to read this!!  And I am so sorry for the cliffhanger at the end...but I am slightly smirking at the fact that I have a good idea of what everyone's reactions to it will be.  Anyway...   Lyric video for "Half a Heart" on the side.   Enjoy the chapter, lovelies!!! xx  )


“So we got a song yesterday that your label wants you to record.”  Travis stated as I took a seat next to him in front of the mixer.

I decided that with Ryan gone and everything that happened over the weekend, I wanted to immerse myself fully into my music.  I really wanted a distraction and recording would provide that.

“It’s fully written?  By who?” I asked and he pulled the demo out, along with the sheet music and lyrics for it.  He handed it to me and pressed play so that we could listen to it.

“Allen said one of the writers that the label has on payroll wrote it.  Let’s give it a listen.  We can make changes to it if we need and tailor it to your liking.”

“Allen isn’t my favorite person.  But fine.  Let’s hear it.” I grumbled.

“He’s no one’s favorite person.” I nodded in agreement and then perked my ears up as the song began.

“It’s really good.  A good ballad.  What do you think?” Travis asks as the song finishes.  The song, although really good, kind of hit a nerve in me.  I’m feeling emotions that I’d rather not be feeling.

“Yea.  It’s good.  I like it.”  I look over the lyrics and begin to break them down.  “Do you think it could use something else?”

“What do you mean?” Travis asks and he looks over my shoulder at the lyric page.

“Not sure….I guess maybe it’s missing a line or two before the last chorus.”  I hand Travis the page and he reads through it and then we take a listen to the demo once more.

“Yeah.  I can see what you mean.  Like a short bridge or something.”

“Yeah.” I nod.

“Alright, well…jot some stuff down and see what you can come up with.” Travis handed me a notebook and then told me he had to step out to make a call.  I played the song again to hear the melody and once it got to the part that needed something, I played it over and over to get a feel for the section of the song.

Get you out of my head.   I’m lost without you.  Waking up. 

I continue writing down different versions of the first few words I wrote trying to make them cohesively fit with the song.  After about five minutes, I think I finally have it.  I play the song once more and once it gets to the part, I sing what I have written and then the final chorus plays and the songs ends.  It was at that time that Travis came back in.

Within The Lyrics ~ Sequel to My Mentor  *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now