Fifteen. Tears and Pleading

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(A/N- It was funny that most people forgot all about Jamie and were shocked when I brought his character back.  But have no fear, Jamie will not be hurting Niall at all in this story.  He got it enough in 'My Mentor'.  Thanks for the comments, votes and follows!!  I really hope you are all enjoying this story so far.  I'm surprised at how much fun I am having writing it.  Anyway, enjoy chapter 15.  Next update on Wednesday.  xx)



Mr. Horan, are you still there?” I am having a hard time concentrating and I quickly sit on the floor.  Ryan can obviously see that something is wrong, so he is by my side a second later.  I take a few breaths and reply.

“Yea…yes…I’m….I’m here.  So what does that mean for me?”

“Well I was assigned his case when he was first incarcerated.  I’m his court ordered therapist.  I saw him weekly for the first two years and then once a month up until now.  I feel that he has significantly changed and advised the courts of this.  His parole hearing was last week and due to his continual good behavior and my recommendation, he was granted parole.”

“Ok” I stated. 

“He has asked if I could contact you.” I held my breath again.


“He would like to see you to apologize for what he put you through.  As a licensed therapist I think that apologizing to you would really complete his treatment and would give him some much needed closure.  He has made such progress and has made a complete one eighty from when I first met him.  So would you be open to meeting with him?”

“I….I just…” I am really at a loss for words.  I forgave him and got my closure the last time I saw him before the police took him away.  I don’t know if I want to revisit that time in my life.  “Can I think about it?” I ask.

“Yes, of course.  I’ll leave you with my number for you to contact me back at the end of this week with your decision.  Again, he will be released next Monday.”

“Does he have someplace to stay?”

“Yes.  We have already made arrangements for him in a small flat in London.  He’ll be able to stay there until he finds employment and secures his own place of residence.”

“Ok.  What’s your number?”  I motion to Ryan to get me a piece of paper and a pen and he does.  I write down the number I am provided.

“Thank you, Mr. Horan….”

“Please call me Niall.”

“Thank you, Niall.  I’ll look forward to your call.”

“Yes.  Thank you, Mr. Brentwood.  I’ll let you know by Friday.”  I say goodbye to both of them and set my phone down.  I bring my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around my legs.  I lay my head down on the top on my knees and look at Ryan.

Within The Lyrics ~ Sequel to My Mentor  *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now