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(A/N-  Here is the final part of Within The Lyrics-Sequel To My Mentor.  Thank you all so much for the votes, comments, reads and just all of the love you have shown both of the stories.  I was so hesitant to make a sequel but I am so happy with how this turned out and also so very appreciative for all of your support throughout!!  I can't thank you all enough!!  Love to every single one of you and my sincerest gratitude!!  xoxoxo  )


~T W O  Y E A R S  L A T E R~

“Get Ryan for me please.  I need him.”  Liam looks at me and shakes his head and laughs.  “Now, Li.  Please”

“Ok, Ok.  Just stay calm.  I’ll go get him.”

“Thank you” I watch him as he leaves and closes the door behind him.

I pace back and forth while I wait.  I am a bundle of nerves and I feel that I am quite literally minutes away from losing my lunch.

I look in the mirror again for the hundredth time in the past hour while I take another liberal gulp of my champagne. 

“I’m here” I hear his voice and immediate turn and smile and launch myself into his arms.

“What took you so long?  I needed you.  Liam is no help; he has a clip on tie for crying out loud.  Will you please tie mine?”  I stand back and hold the tie out for him to take.  He chuckles at my desperation and takes the tie from my hands.

“Why didn’t Louis just come and help you?  I’m sure he knows what he is doing better than all of us” He states as he wraps the tie around and under the collar of my shirt.  He begins to do the loop thing and in a matter of moments he is finished and putting the final touches on making sure that it is straight.

“Louis is obviously with Harry.  Zayn is ushering people to their seats and Liam is hopeless.  You are a life saver, Ry.  Thank you so much.” I place a kiss on his cheek and turn to face the mirror.  Giving myself a once over, once more.

“They are ready for you, Ni.” Ryan and I turn our attention to the door and the head poking in.

“Thanks, Will.  Sorry I stole Ryan from you but it was necessary.” I say and point to my tie.  We all have a chuckle; however mine is filled with nerves.

“We should get back to our seats, babe” Will says to Ryan and takes his hand. 

“Thanks, again.” I say as they exit the room and leave me to myself again.  I pace the room for a few more moments and then gather myself and take a deep breath.  I open the doors and walk out to the corridor and there he is, waiting for me.

I can’t believe that it is finally here.  Harry and my wedding day.  He looks absolutely stunning and I am trying my best to keep the tears from falling.  We reach each other in no time and just gaze into one another’s eyes.

“You look so handsome, Niall.  God, I love you so much.” He brushes away the single tear that slipped out of my eye.

“You look gorgeous, baby.  And I love you, too.  Are you ready?” I ask and take his hand in mine.  We decided that we would walk the aisle together.

“I’ve been waiting for this day forever.  Of course I’m ready.” He smiles and places a kiss on my lips and we take our steps towards the aisle.

The reception immediately followed.  Our ceremony was absolutely beautiful and Harry and I both got quite weepy during our vows, which we wrote ourselves.  We had all of our family and friends here with us to celebrate and the day couldn’t have been more perfect.

Harry and I bought our own house and moved back in together about six months after we started dating again and then six months after that is when he proposed.  It was quite romantic.  Just the two of us on a beach in Tahiti.  He kneeled down on one knee and asked.  I could have fallen over from the excitement and without hesitation said yes.

We have been planning the wedding for a year.  We wanted to ensure that everyone would be able to make it.

Liam has had much success with his last album and has been very busy touring the world.  He also, about six months ago, found a lovely girl whom he calls “the one”.  She is so perfect for him and she makes him very happy.

Zayn took a small break after his last tour and started doing some acting.  He had a starring role in a very popular film and seems to have caught the acting bug.  However, he says his first love is still music.  I was also very excited when he proposed to his girlfriend about two months ago.  I knew Siobhan was a keeper from the moment I met her.

Louis surprised us all when he met and married Eleanor within the span of eight months.  He was the stylist on a photo shoot at which she was one of the print models.  Apparently, it was love at first sight.  Their wedding was on a beach in Spain just six months ago.  They are the epitome of happiness and you can clearly see the love in their eyes when they look at one another.  Louis is still styling for his clients but is beginning work on his own clothing line.  He is trying to stay in London most of time and I know that is because of the slight baby bump showing through Eleanor’s beautiful dress.

Ryan is still happily dating Will and they really are perfect for one another.  They complement each other so nicely.  Surprisingly, it wasn’t weird at all when Ryan returned from the states with Will by his side.  Harry and I even went on many double dates with them.  I was so happy that Harry and Ryan fell back into their friendship easily.

I had wished that Jamie could be here today but sadly he couldn’t make it.  We maintained our friendship and have seen each other a couple times since he moved to Australia; Harry by my side at every visit.  Jamie certainly had a valid reason for not being able to be here, but I somewhat think that he didn’t want to cause any tension by being here, either.  Although Harry has accepted our friendship, my parents and Greg still have the vision of me beaten to a bloody pulp and Jamie running after me while Greg held him back, in their minds.

My family knows of my friendship with him and trust when I say that he is a completely changed man, but I guess I understand where everyone is coming from.  However, Jamie has his hands full at the moment.  The reason why he was unable to make it is because his daughter has the chicken pox. 

Within the first month that Jamie moved to Sydney, he met a lovely man named Anthony and they hit it off immediately.  They both had similar backgrounds and both went through similar struggles in their lives and clicked on a level that he told me he never clicked with anyone before.  Anthony had a three year old daughter named Emily when they met.  Her mother was never in the picture and when Jamie and Anthony married a year later, Jamie adopted Emily.  He is quite the family man.  I am so proud of the person he has become.

“Ready for our first dance, baby?” Harry whispers in my ear and I am brought out of my thoughts.  I smile at him and place a kiss on his lips.  Our guests ‘awe’ and begin to clap.

Harry takes my hands in his.  Our platinum wedding bands shining in the lights of the room.  We walk to the dance floor.

“So what song did you choose?” I ask and he smiles.  Harry wanted to surprise me, so I don’t know exactly what song he has chosen, but I think I might have a pretty good idea.

“I love you, Harry”

“I love you so much, Niall.”

We pull each other close and the music begins.  I smile instantly and begin to cry.  He kisses my tears away as we start to sway slowly to the melody.  We softly begin to sing to one another.  Our lips pressed close to each other’s ear.

“…can I be close to you…”

Within The Lyrics ~ Sequel to My Mentor  *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now