6 // I love him.

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This one is gonna be more focused around Sterek.


Derek dropped Elara off, giving her a kiss on her head before driving back to his loft. He had to get a job, not that he needed one, but he wanted one so it would keep the balance normal for El. Back in Thyme Falls, he worked part time in a business but now he was back in Beacon Hills, he was unsure of what to do.

Derek decided that it'd be best if he went to see Stiles, he'd know if there were any jobs going and knew that the Sheriff giving him a reference would help him immensely. When he pulled up outside of the station, he saw Stiles sat in his car, his arms over his head as he laid on the steering wheel. Derek got out of his own car, walking towards the vehicle. He noticed the radio playing quietly and then heard the small snores, making Derek smile a little. He put his hand through the window and tapped Stiles' shoulder.

"Huh? What?" Stiles turned, looking at what had woken him up. As his eyes tried adjusting to Derek's figure, he began stretching, yawning and pushing his limbs as far as they could go.

"Oh Derek...Hey." Derek smiled, leaning down so that his face was the only thing visible.

"Sleeping on the job, sheriff?" Stiles rolled his eyes and opened the door, leaving the car behind.

"No, I was on a break." Stiles joked, Derek laughed and they both made their way into the office.

"How is El settling in at Beacon High?" Stiles asked taking a seat, Derek took the seat opposite feeling like a teenager in trouble.

"Good, I think. Let me put it this way, she hasn't complained about anything yet. Adam, Scott's kid, kind of left her on the first day but she said it was a good first day." Derek explained, Stiles nodded lightly.

"Hey, I know we haven't see each other in like ages but I want to get to know her. And you, again. So, do you want to come to mine tonight, for dinner?" Stiles was nervous. Who wouldn't be in front of Derek Hale?

"Yeah, I'd-we'd love that." Derek smiled, Stiles felt like most of his lungs had caved in at the sight of Derek's perfect teeth.

"Okay, I'll see you at 7?" Stiles asked, trying to control the smile that danced across his face.

"Yep. Oh, and I need a favour." Derek muttered standing up. Stiles nodded for him to continue.

"I need a job and-" Stiles grabbed something from his draw in his desk, pulling a small gun from it. He pushed it against Derek's chest, feeling Derek's hand instinctively grab at it, touching Stiles' in the process.

"You're hired. Training starts tomorrow." Stiles winked before exiting the office, leaving Derek standing in the office smirking and dumbfounded. Derek made his way out, leaving the gun on the desk before thanking Stiles on his way out.


"So, were you close friends?" Elara questioned, playing with the glove compartment of the car.

"Not necessarily. We hung out a lot and he really pissed me off sometimes." Derek chuckled to himself when thinking about all the times he'd pushed Stiles into things or hit him.

"Ooh, love hate relationship." Elara laughed, Derek attempted not to blush but he felt his cheeks heat up either way. Derek let his hand reach over and pinch Elara lightly, making her squeal and attempt to swat him away. He eventually saw the house and began to slow down, he could see the lights on and saw Stiles' silhouette. Once the car came to a stop, Derek got out, walking around to Elara's side and opening her door. Elara climbed out, walking up to the front door, her dad closely behind. She pressed the doorbell, before hearing a loud clash followed by a string of curse words. Elara and Derek exchanged looks, wondering if the poor guy was okay. Derek took it upon himself to open the door and walk in, of course Stiles was holding his hand under a running tap, while the food laid all over the floor.

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